February, 2014 – Zoovies


ZOOvies: Florida’s First Outdoor 3D Movie Experience

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — The public is invited to enjoy an inspiring family movie during “ZOOvies,” Florida’s first outdoor 3D movie experience, to be held at the Palm Beach Zoo & Conservation Society on Friday, February 28, 2014, with gates opening at 5:30 p.m. and the movie beginning at 7 p.m. A 3D screen and a 2D screen will be set up in the Fountain Plaza, and guests are invited to bring blankets, cushions or low-rise beach chairs chairs for their comfort.

The first “ZOOvies” presentation, produced by Twilight Features, will be “RIO 3D.” The Zoo’s hyacinth macaw, Perus, will greet guests as a species ambassador and a close relative of Blu, a Spix’s macaw that is the lead character in the movie. Both hyacinth macaws and Spix’s macaws are endangered species.


“Perus,” a hyacinth macaw

Photo by Dan Mergens

“We’re proud to be the first venue to offer an outdoor 3D movie experience, showcasing a movie with a message,” said Ron Brooks, Events Manager for the Zoo. “We hope when people attend ‘ZOOvies,’ they will not only have fun, but also leave with a greater understanding of how animals like macaws are impacted by human actions.”Popcorn, snacks, hot dogs and refreshments will be available for purchase, along with beer & wine cash bars for those 21 and over. Admission includes full Zoo access until the movie starts. Please note, some animals may not be fully visible after dusk. Admission is as follows: Member adults $9, Non-member adults $10, Member child $6, Non-member child $7, under 3 Free.

For more information, visit this link: http://www.palmbeachzoo.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=events.details&content_id=147

About the Palm Beach Zoo & Conservation Society

The Zoological Society of the Palm Beaches exists to inspire people to act on behalf of wildlife and the natural world. We advance our conservation mission through endangered species propagation, education and support of conservation initiatives in the field. Our commitment to sustainable business practices elevates our capacity to inspire others.

The Palm Beach Zoo is located at 1301 Summit Boulevard in West Palm Beach, Florida. The Zoo is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day, except Thanksgiving and Christmas. For more information, visit www.palmbeachzoo.org.