September, 2014 – FREE Upcoming Event for College Planning


Free and Informative

College Planning &

Financial Aid Workshop

To Teach Parents and Students

How To Get Into The Schools They Want

 College Planning Masters – FREE Upcoming Informative Event September 10, 2014

Parents and students are invited to attend a free upcoming college planning workshop presented by St. Michael Lutheran Church and College Planning Masters.  Parents will learn how to maximize financial aid and minimize out of pocket expenses.  Topics to be discussed will include: how to affordably send your child to his/her “first choice” school; creating a comprehensive college search plan; debunking the most common college planning myths; understanding how private “big ticket” universities can actually cost you less in the long run than a state college; how to manage time and avoid procrastination; learn about the new changes in Bright Futures, FAFSA and Florida Pre-Paid that can actually cost you more money; how to avoid common Financial Aid Application traps that lower aid eligibility and discover strategies to dramatically increase free money from colleges – regardless of income or student achievements.

Students will benefit from a variety of additional topics including strategies designed to enhance admissions opportunities, “building” more effective college applications, and charting their course for college admissions success.

The workshop will be hosted by St. Michael Lutheran Church within their Sanctuary located at 1925 Birkdale Drive in Wellington.  The church is situated at the corner of Birkdale Drive and Forest Hill Boulevard. Visit for more information. The event takes place from 6:30 – 8:00 pm and it is encouraged to come by 6:15 pm for light appetizers and beverages.

To register for a workshop call (800) 776.6445 ext, 217.  RSVP’s are required.  Space is limited at this event so it is recommended to call and reserve your space early. For further information, visit or email to [email protected].