October, 2015 – Mayor’s Column


Mayor’s ColumnMayorBobMargolisv2

October 2015

In September, Wellington’s Council adopted an $85.4 million balanced budget for Fiscal Year 2015 -2016. The Village’s budget is one of the most concrete expressions of public policy, as it sets forth the priorities for the upcoming fiscal year, which runs October 1, 2015, through September 30, 2016. The adopted budget will serve as a road map for how funds will be allocated, and as a checks and balances system to make sure we are spending Village funds properly. With Wellington property values up almost 11% for the second year in a row, and the economic outlook improving, we were able to balance the budget and increase spending on important capital improvements without increasing the tax rate.

This year’s budget calls for total spending of approximately $85.4 million, about $8.5 million more than last year, at the same property tax rate of 2.45 mills. Total Wellington taxes, including ACME assessments and solid waste collection, comprise only 17% of the average resident’s tax bill. I am happy to report that solid waste collection assessment is down by $20, which may mean an overall reduction in the average homesteaded property tax bill.Total Budget

The Village’s most significant area of expenditures is maintenance of streets, parks, trails, and stormwater management system. Also included in the new budget, is additional spending for law enforcement as we continue to focus on safety and maintaining the outstanding services provided by PBSO. This year’s budget calls for Capital Project spending of approximately $9.7 million, up from $7.7 million in the prior fiscal year. Major projects slated for this year’s budget include paving 120th Avenue South from 50th street to Lake Worth Road, construction of 2 miles of pathways in the Aeroclub community, and a roundabout for traffic control at the intersection of Pierson Road and Stribling Way. The budget also includes $275,000 in contributions to reading and math programs in our local schools, $51,500 for the Wellington Senior’s Club, and $53,000 toward the County paratransit service.

Additionally, we are making progress in the construction of our new Community Center, set to open in 2016. Speaking of next year, the Village will be celebrating its 20th Anniversary in a BIG way. We look forward to sharing stories of Wellington’s history, and celebrating this milestone throughout the community. Click the link below to view a brief video of the 20th anniversary budget presentation:

Thank you to everyone who participated in our many outreach efforts. From attending the K-Park and Equestrian Town Hall meetings, the Equestrian Forum, participating in the Budget Challenge, the Charter Review process, and completing our planning and senior surveys, to tweeting and following us on Facebook. I encourage you to take part in our many outreach options including attending Council meetings and public hearings as they are announced.

In the meantime, feel free to contact me or any member of Council with questions or input. You can find a copy of the final budget for 2015-2016 and updated fee schedule at www.wellingtonfl.gov.

I encourage you to sign up for our monthly newsletter, where we keep you up to date on matters that affect our community. Click on the following link to begin receiving updates: http://wellingtonfl.gov/living/wellington-newsletter/signup.

I look forward to seeing you around our Great Hometown this month.


Bob Margolis, recently elected as Mayor of the Village of Wellington, was first appointed to the Village Council in April of 2003, and was then elected to a four-year term in March, 2004. Prior to that initial appointment, he had proven his community spirit many times over by a long list of community endeavors and volunteer efforts.