Wellington Garden Club’s 4th Annual Tree Planting


WGC 4th Annual Tree Planting

National Public Lands Day (NPLD) Saturday, September 30, 2017

By Kathy Siena, Event Planner and Organizer

Cub Scout Pack 125

Wellington Garden Club volunteers Kathy Siena and Lisa Ferrano organized and planned the 4th annual tree planting community event which took place last Saturday, September 30, 2017 on National Public Lands Day (NPLD).  More than 65 volunteers from Wellington Garden Club, local packs from Cub Scouts, and Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts Troops, Palm Beach Central High School and Wellington High School planted 750 native Florida Slash Pine seedlings and about 100 native Cardinal shrubs in the Wellington Environmental Preserve on Flying Cow Road. Village of Wellington Councilwoman Tanya Siskind joined in on the volunteer efforts as well. Village of Wellington Landscape/Forestry Operations Supervisor Brian Hopper and his staff, gave tremendous support by preparing the seedlings that were planted and pre-drilling holes where the seedlings were placed.  The thunderstorms held off for the morning and there was plenty of sunshine and cold water to go around as the volunteers moved along the pathway and through the grounds planting the trees.

WGC Member and event organizer, Kathy Siena, Souct parent, Michelle De Arma, and VOW Councilwoman Tanya Siskind


Thank you to all the volunteers who came out to help on this important nationally-recognized day when the Village of Wellington community volunteers helped our environment by being earth stewards on that special day.  We look forward to planning another big day at the Preserve on Saturday, September 22, 2018 on NPLD day. 

Volunteers hard at work planting the pine seedlings.
VOW landscape/forestry operations supervisor Brian Hopper explaining to the volunteers how to plant the young pine seedlings