April 11, 2009 – D.A.R. Awards


The Spirit of Liberty Daughters of the American Revolution Chapter presented awards at their DAR meeting on 4/11/2009:


Anson Contreras, a senior at Park Vista HS wrote an essay on
”Discuss five perils faced by Christopher Columbus’s expeditions and how Columbus and his crew overcame them”.


(Back row) Ariel Porto, Julie White, Anson Contreras, Whitney Sha (Front row) Talia Fradkin
(Back row) Ariel Porto, Julie White, Anson Contreras, Whitney Sha (Front row) Talia Fradkin

Whitney Sha, an eighth grader at Omni Middle School wrote an essay on” What message did the Gettysburg Address communicate to our war-torn nation in 1863?”




The “Good Citizen” Award was presented to Ariel Porto, a senior at Wellington HS and Julie White, a senior at Palm Beach Central



Joey McKenna, a seventh grader in Palm City FL wrote an essay

“On Helping a Friend”.  His essay won first place in the State JAC

(Junior American Citizens) Community Award and second in the SE Division for NSDAR. His sister, Kristin McKenna, a fifth grader won Honorable mention for her design of a Postage Stamp.  Samantha Mouring placed second in the State for a poem that she had written.


Talia Fradkin, a fifth grader at Binks Forest Elementary School won first place in the state of Florida for her poem “The Greatest Show on Earth” and second place in the SE Division for NSDAR for the Junior American Citizens award.   


Talia, Joey, Kristin and Samantha are members of the Chief Tiger Tail Society, Children of the American Revolution.