October, 2011 – Trunk or Treat


Trunk or Treat: A Free and Safe Way to Trick or Treat



Wellington is partnering with several organizations to offer free and safe trick or treating events for youth in our community. Both of these events will be held on Sunday, October 30th from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm.


The first event will be held at Wellington Presbyterian Church located at 1000 Wellington Trace and will feature games, music, refreshments and a costume contest. The second event will take place in the Wellington High School bus loop located at 2101 Greenview Shores Boulevard and will include music, refreshments and a car decoration contest with gift cards for the winners.


While these events are free to attend, families are asked to bring nonperishable and canned food donations for Wellington’s Hometown Holiday Food Drive. The following items are requested: instant mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, canned vegetables including green beans, peas, corn and sweet potatoes, packaged stuffing, turkey gravy, cornbread mix and muffin mix. The food will be collected and donated to Wellington residents in need during the holiday season.


For more information or to volunteer for this event, please contact Kimberly Henghold, Volunteer Coordinator, at (561) 791-4137.


For information about other Wellington programs, events, activities, and updates, please visit www.wellingtonfl.gov or watch Channel 18 for the latest happenings.