June, 2009 – June Pictures


Just a few highlights of happenings Around Wellington. For many more photos, visit the link “Photo Galleries” on this site! 

Pictured are the Binks Forest Elementary School Student Council with third grade teacher and Coucil sponsor Lisa Gifford. The Council sponsored a drive for the “Forgotten Soldiers” that lasted two weeks and filled two truckloads with a variety of items including peanut butter, cereal bars, razors, sunscreen and magazines. The items were delivered on Friday, May 15, 2009. "The staff at Binks Forest Elementary is thrilled with the kindness of our students and parents," said BFES Media Specialist Sharon Wedgworth. Photo by Lois Spatz.
Pictured are the Binks Forest Elementary School Student Council with third grade teacher and Coucil sponsor Lisa Gifford. The Council sponsored a drive for the “Forgotten Soldiers” that lasted two weeks and filled two truckloads with a variety of items including peanut butter, cereal bars, razors, sunscreen and magazines. The items were delivered on Friday, May 15, 2009. "The staff at Binks Forest Elementary is thrilled with the kindness of our students and parents," said BFES Media Specialist Sharon Wedgworth. Photo by Lois Spatz.
Nacho Figueras, the Argentine Polo Player. Photo taken in Miami Beach by Christine Rose.
Nacho Figueras, the Argentine Polo Player. Photo taken in Miami Beach by Christine Rose.
The 22nd Annual Safe Harbor Celebrity Dog Wash made a big splash on Saturday, May 16 at Jupiter's Carlin Park with over 5000 attendees of the two-legged persuasion. The dog-friendly event featured a doggie costume contest and look-a-like contests, Sky Dogs, fabulous food and craft vendors and cool libations and a play area for the kids. The highlight of the event featured the headlining band War, most well-known for their mega-hits Lowrider, Cisco Kid, Spill the Wine and of course, Why Can't We Be Friends. Photo by Christine Rose.


Parents and kids got together for a good cause on May 22nd at My Gym in Royal Palm Beach, raising funds and bringing toys for the Children's Coalition. Photo by Krista Martinelli.
Parents and kids got together for a good cause on May 22nd at My Gym in Royal Palm Beach, raising funds and bringing toys for the Children's Coalition. Photo by Krista Martinelli.