May, 2012 – Océ Future Authors Project Writing Workshop at DonEstridge


Seventh Annual Océ Future Authors Project Writing Workshop to Begin June 11 at DonEstridge Middle School in Boca Raton – Robert Forbes and Mary Monroe are featured authors


Photo cutline: (l to r) Author Robert Forbes; Francis McMahon, vice president of marketing, Production Printing Systems at Océ North America; and Tracy Rudnick, director of programs and grants, Education Foundation of Palm Beach County.

TRUMBULL, CONN. May 14, 2012 – Océ, a Canon Group Company and an international leader in digital document management, today announced that Robert Forbes, children’s book author and president ofForbesLife magazine; and Mary Monroe, a high school teacher and young adult book author, will be the featured speakers at the 2012 Océ Future Authors Project writing workshop.   In its seventh year, the program begins on June 11 with an intense eight-day writing workshop held at Don Estridge High Tech Middle School, 1798 NW Spanish River Boulevard , Boca Raton 33431 . Forty middle and high school students will be selected to participate from 85 applicants. The names of the students will be announced by May 18.


The program is a partnership between the School District of Palm Beach County and Océ North America, and is made possible with generous grants from the Lawrence Sanders Foundation; Maroone, an AutoNation Company; and Xplor International, a not-for-profit educational and networking association serving users and suppliers of document technologies.

The authors will be donating their time to provide insight and advice to the budding artists and complement the curriculum offered by the staff of three certified Palm Beach County language arts teachers.

The teachers for the 2012 class are: Nicole Adamo, who teachers at Don Estridge Middle School; Katrina Sapp Holder, a playwright and short story author who also teaches at Don Estridge Middle School; and Cartheda T. Mann, the chair of the English department and writing coach at Glades Central Community High School.  Secondary Literacy Program Planner Dianna Fedderman supervises the program for the District.

Forbes, who lives in Palm Beach with his wife, has authored two published collections of imaginative poetry, Let’s Have a Bite!and Beastly Feasts! (   When he is not writing poetry or running the magazine, he enjoys reading his works to school children.  Monroe, who has been a national board certified language arts teacher in Palm Beach County for 13 years, has authored the popular trilogy, Miracle at Monty Middle School, Krazy White Girl and Tagger, her newest book written for teenboys interested in graffiti tagging.

The Océ Future Authors Project writing workshop is designed to help students become published authors. Students improve their writing and critical thinking skills, develop an understanding of how authors are published, and learn about today’s digital print and publishing opportunities.

Students gain insight into the process of writing, editing, and digitally publishing books through interactions with Océ executives, the published authors, and the teachers. Writings from each student are then compiled, professionally published and digitally printed in final book form by the Boca Raton-based Océ North America Production Printing Systems division. The finished book is then unveiled at a book signing hosted by the City of Boca Raton at the Spanish River Public Library. Since the program’s inception in 2006, nearly 300 students have participated in the Océ Future Authors Project writing workshops.  

“Without support from companies like Océ North America and the other sponsors of the program, partnerships like this would not exist,” said Mary Kay Murray, the executive director of the Palm Beach Education Foundation. “Creative public-private partnerships, like the Future Authors program, give our students extraordinary experiences they otherwise would not have.”

Francis McMahon, vice president of marketing, Production Printing Systems at Océ North America, says his company remains committed to this program, which enriches the educational experience for so many budding authors.

“We continued to be impressed by the students who choose to spend their summer vacations as Océ Future Authors because of their passion for writing,” he said.  “Our hope is that this experience will result in a group of young adults with lifelong commitments to writing, reading and learning.”

McMahon added that the age of digital publishing has opened upmore opportunities for these aspiring authors. “Digital printing technologies are revolutionizing the business of book publishing,” he said. “Publishers can now cost-effectively print books in run lengths anywhere from 1 to 10,000, creating exciting opportunities for new talent—like these future authors—who now can get their works published. As a leader in providing digital printing solutions for the book industry, we are delightedto support the Océ Future Authors Project and to help make the students’ dreams to become published authors a reality.”

For more information on how to donate to the program, contact the Executive Director of the Education Foundation of Palm Beach County Mary Kay Murray at [email protected].

For more information about the Océ Future Authors Project, visit For more information, please visit
