July/August, 2009 – Astrology at Work in Your Life

by Karola Crawford


July/August 2009



Interestingly enough, the Moon rules Cancer and the Sun rules Leo, both signs which are next to each other in the order of Birthdays.  First of all Happy Birthday to Cancer!  Your caring sign is celebrated in all cultures as the mothering instinct in all of us.  Some may accuse you of being too emotional, but what a drab life it would be if emotions were placed on the back burner and intellect alone ruled.  The Cancer spontaneity is what life is all about with the caring and love that is symbolized by a mother.  This is the part of us that reaches out to help others and makes a home out of a building, laughs and cries with empathy and celebrates a birthday with renewed love and life.  This part of us is able to dry the tears of a child and offer understanding and a sense of belonging to a co-worker.


   The moon rules the feelings that drive us to live our life, the desire to protect others as well as ourselves.  This month is full of change for you cancers, so go with the flow.

Accept help from your family and friends and don’t try to do everything on your own.  You will probably discover something positive that you would have missed otherwise.


   There are those that claim that a lack of sun in their life causes them to become depressed and sullen.  Indeed, the sign of Leo is ruled by the sun, and this is the month to wish a Happy Birthday to all the sunny personalities that are born under this positive and upbeat sign.  Leos are the most quiet of the fire signs, however, don’t underestimate their strength and character just because they are not as verbal as the other two.  Leos have a quiet strength that some call willful and tenacious, and their presence is noticed just because that is exactly what they want.  They desire to be first and just like the lion, will rule and dominate the herd.  They are extremely friendly and just, and when they travel, well, they want luxury.  A Leo friend is steadfast and reliable, but don’t make them second best.


   The sun is the inner aspect of the personality, the burning desire to present to the world our basic nature and goodness of mankind.  This is a desire to protect others and be recognized as a living force that is powerful and capable of making a difference. 


   This month it seems as though some big plans in your life have been placed on hold.  This trend continues until October, at which time sudden forces will move your life forward again.  Allow yourself the pleasure of not having to make major decisions right now and enjoy the small things.  Happy Birthday!


   Virgo – With Saturn in your sign, responsibility is still way up on the list of things that is weighing down on you.  At the same time, it is important to be responsible since there is a boomerang effect that can happen otherwise.  While driving, stick to the speed limit.


   Libra – Things are looking up and opportunities prevail.  You have the chance to expand something unusual, so take advantage of this positive placement.


   Scorpio – Get a second opinion before moving forth even though you feel that you already have your own answer.  Be open minded before jumping to conclusions.


   Sagittarius – Sudden opportunities keep coming up so keep your eyes wide open and act.  Don’t take these sudden windfalls for granted.


   Capricorn – A feeling of being born “anew” can feel like a dream come true or a dread for the changes that are occurring.  Regardless of how you wish to see it, it is happening.


   Aquarius – A spiritual awakening is allowing you to look at life in a new way.  Check with a friend to see their viewpoint of the changes occurring around you.


   Pisces – It is time to re-evaluate major decisions and put them on hold for now.  They will come up in the near future for you to act upon them.


  Aries – Being born a leader has its pitfalls if you act too quickly.  Others look to you for guidance so don’t lead them astray. 


   Taurus – A short vacation will definitely spruce things up and you are encouraged to take the offer presented to you.


   Gemini – It is time to look at the details now that you have seen the big picture.  Your decisions are good at this time, so scrutinize, then act.


Karola Crawford, MAFA, has been a certified Astrologer for 22 years. She has cast charts for clients all over the world and also practices Holistic medicine, Yoga, Shiatsu, Reiki, Auricular Acupucture and is an accomplished artist. Where does she get all of her energy? A grand trine in fire, of course. Karola can be reached at 561-615-1591 or by visiting the web site at www.karolacrawford.com.