September, 2012 – Shulamit Hadassah’s Movie Night


Shulamit Hadassah Invites You to a Movie Night!

“Iron Jawed Angels”


Sit back, relax, munch some popcorn and candy treats,
as we view this very important and entertaining movie,

so apropos for this Election Season.


Iron Jawed Angels was inspired by a pivotal chapter in American history. Hilary Swank plays Alice Paul, an American feminist who risked her life to fight for women’s citizenship and the right to vote.

When: Wednesday, September 19th 2012

Time: 7pm
Where: Fire Station #30

              9910 Stribling Way

              Wellington 33414


 *Members $5/Non-members $10*

RSVP: Shirley 561-204-1894 or

           Lisa 917-355-3867 lisashaul@att.n
