December, 2012 – AW in Pictures


Just a few highlights of happenings Around Wellington. For many more photos, visit the link “Photo Galleries” on this site! For recent videos, click on our “Videos” link.

The Think Pink Kids from Wellington High School at the Wellington Holiday Parade on Sunday, Dec. 9th on Forest Hill Blvd.
TWO MEN AND A TRUCK at the Wellington Holiday Parade.
TWO MEN AND A TRUCK at the Wellington Holiday Parade.
Santa - at the end of the Wellington Holiday Parade.
Santa - at the end of the Wellington Holiday Parade.


Wellington's Cassadee Pope (finalist on NBC's The Voice) singing on Clematis Street in West Palm Beach. Photo by Monica Kallas.
Wellington's Cassadee Pope (finalist on NBC's The Voice) singing on Clematis Street in West Palm Beach. Photo by Monica Kallas.


Dr. Jeffrey Bishop, Chair of the CPBC Chamber of Commerce, and his wife at the Dec. 3rd Chamber Luncheon. Photo by Carol Porter.
Dr. Jeffrey Bishop, Chair of the CPBC Chamber of Commerce, and his wife at the Dec. 3rd Chamber Luncheon. Photo by Carol Porter.