December, 2012 – Students at Genbu-Kai Karate


Karate students take “first-step”

toward long and prosperous journey


1st row standing, (L. to R.): Lucas de Guardiola, Weston Clark, Vanessa Tavera. 2nd row standing (L. to R.): Instructor Brent Bedwell, Chief Instructor Sensei Keith Moore, Instructor Catherine Mazzella. 3rd row standing (L. to R.): Oscar Carranza, Mike Taplin, Charles Vlahos.
1st row standing, (L. to R.): Lucas de Guardiola, Weston Clark, Vanessa Tavera. 2nd row standing (L. to R.): Instructor Brent Bedwell, Chief Instructor Sensei Keith Moore, Instructor Catherine Mazzella. 3rd row standing (L. to R.): Oscar Carranza, Mike Taplin, Charles Vlahos.


Wellington, FL, december 9, 2012: Six students from Genbu-Kai Karate recently tested and advanced to their first 10th kyu (level) ranking. A journey that will take them at least 4 years, before being potentially invited to test for their first black belt level. Most traditional Japanese Martial Art Dojo (schools) start ranking at either 10th, or 9th kyu and progresses through to 1st kyu. Time between ranks slows down as the student advances. This is to make sure the students not only retain and comprehend the physical requirements of their training, but also the mental aspects, including improvement in maturity levels.


Today, martial arts schools offer a variety of color belts to denote different rankings. Typically, white, yellow and orange belts denote beginner students; purple and green belts denote intermediates; and blue, brown and red denote advanced students. Usually, stripes are added either within the belt itself, or as tips on the end of the belts for additional kyu ranking. In our schools, red belts are reserved for our junior black belts (7-12). Being these students typically do not achieve the required maturity levels, as required for our adult students.

Genbu-Kai Karate teaches traditional Shito-Ryu Karate, and not only emphasizes self defense, but also incorporates methods in preventing bullying either at school or other social encounters. Most importantly, Genbu-Kai Karate teaches valuable life skills which students learn to incorporate in their school, family and social lives respectfully. Conveniently located next to the Wellington movie theater, Genbu-Kai Karate offers the finest in traditional Japanese martial arts in Palm Beach County. All ages are welcome to come in and try one complimentary week. For more information, please call 561.804.1002 or visit our website at