May, 2013 – KenzO Nominated for AHA Hero Dog of the Year


PBSO K9 Deputy KenzO Nominated for AHA Hero Dog of the Year

West Palm Beach, FL – Local Hero Dog of the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office K9 division, D/S  KenzO has been nominated for the American Humane Association’s Hero Dog of the Year award to be presented in Hollywood, California in the fall of this year. 

K9 Deputy KenzO is a 9 year old German Shepherd Dog who was born in Hanover, Germany.  KenzO has been working at PBSO for 7 years partnering with Deputy Richard Klaysmat. On June 4 2012 a shootout occurred where D/S Klaysmat and Lt. Rich Burdick fatally shot a perpetrator who had killed his girlfriend and then fired 40 rounds at 9 year old KenzO and the Deputies. 

One bullet went clean through KenzO and the other went into his chest (removed the next day). The bullets narrowly missed KenzO’s vital organs, while Lt. Burdick took one shot in the leg.  KenzO returned to active duty on August 5, 2012. This brave K9 took shots that were intended for the Deputies, thus he was instrumental in preventing further harm to them, possibly even saving their lives.  He received the Medal of Honor and the Combat Star at the PBSO annual awards banquet.

We are asking the community to rally behind our efforts to help KenzO win this award.  To vote for KenzO, go to the American Humane Association’s web site ( and click on Law Enforcement/Arson Dogs and vote for KenzO.  You may vote from your work and your personal e-mail addresses once a day every day from now through July 30, 2013

The dogs that win in each category will again be voted on to achieve the overall Grand Prize winner before the presentation in the fall of this year. 

KenzO has had many other apprehensions during his career assisting with the Deputies efforts to suppress crime and gain intelligence on gangs including apprehending another suspect who was shooting at local police as he attempted to flee.

In January of 2007, KenzO chased a suspect wanted for a felony under a house – the suspect fled with KenzO in pursuit.  Subject was apprehended by D/S KenzO.  On Christmas Eve 2008 where a man killed wife and was holed up in the house, KenzO went in and apprehended the suspect. And on a shots fired call in Pahokee, D/S Klaysmat spotted the suspect vehicle that fled and 7 people bailed from the vehicle. Deputies, helicopter and KenzO were all in pursuit. All 7 were tracked and located.

Join in the effort to have KenzO win the American Humane Association Hero Dog of the Year!

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