July, 2013 – Lake Worth History Book Release


New Lake Worth History Book to be Released
at City’s July 4th Centennial Celebration

The Lake Worth Centennial Committee is proud to announce the release of a new publication, Pioneers of Jewell. The 254-page book contains previously unknown stories about our city’s forgotten first settlers during the decades when the community was known as Jewell, prior Lake Worth’s incorporation in 1913.

Pioneers of Jewell will go on sale at the City’s exhibition booth in Bryant Park starting at noon on July 4th as part of the LW 100 Celebration. Author Ted Brownstein will be available to autograph copies from 5 to 6 PM. Rumors have been flying that first pioneer, Fannie James, and the Barefoot Mailman (in costume) may put in an appearance.

In 1885, Samuel and Fannie James, an African American couple, reported to be ex-slaves, fled the increasing racial polarization of Northern and Central Florida for the sparsely settled everglades frontier. They were the first to settle in the area that would later become the City of Lake Worth, arriving with just the clothes on their backs and $50 in their pockets. While local history buffs may have heard their names, until now virtually nothing was known of their doings, character, or relations with others in the Jewell community.  Their story is explored in Pioneers of Jewell in the context of their times. Details of their land dispute with Dr. Harry Stites, their friendship with original Barefoot Mailman Edwin R. Bradley and the quirkiness of hermit Michael Merkle are told for the first time. This motley collection of settlers braved the swamps, the floods, the mosquitos and the isolation to pave the way for later development.

Groundbreaking research reveals…

  • Biographies of more than a dozen previously unknown Jewell pioneers.
  • An in-depth look at the Jameses’ stunning financial success.
  • Investigation of the Jameses’ slave background.
  • The history of the segregated Osborne Colored Addition.
  • Klu Klux Klan activity in Lake Worth during the 1920s.
  • The fate of Jewell and its pioneers.


Pioneers of Jewell also goes on sale at Lake Worth City Hall after July 4th. Proceeds will benefit the Lake Worth Municipal Library.