June, 2013 – Wycliffe Chef Contributes to Kravis Fundraiser


Wycliffe’s Executive Chef Contributes to the Kravis Center’s Culinary Creations Dinner Fundraiser

WELLINGTON, FL, JUNE 2013: Wycliffe Golf & Country Club’s Executive Chef Rick Trentman participated in supporting the Kravis Center’s Culinary Creations Dinner in order to provide support for families with sick children on June 23rd.  Trentman was also accompanied by Wycliffe’s sous-chefs, Zoltan Bedecs and Jesus Longo. 100% of the proceeds went to benefit Quantum House and 2 other associations.

Culinary Creations celebrated the extraordinary talents of local chefs, while benefitting the Quantum House and the Palm Beach County Chefs in Distress Endowment Fund.

Besides opening with a champagne reception featuring scrumptious hors d’oeuvres, this once-in-a-lifetime dinner featured four courses served round robin style.  Wycliffe’s chefs collaborated with chefs from Hunter’s Run to provide a beautiful and tasty second course.  Over 300 guests experienced a specialty dish from each of the 25 chefs. In addition to the amazing dinner, guests could also bid on private chef dinners, wine tastings and other items in an auction style.

“The Quantum House has provided these children with some incredible support,” says General Manager, Steve Malvinni  of Wycliffe Golf and Country Club. “We felt very strongly about showing our support for them and doing whatever we could to help them help these children.”

The guests and the chefs both left completely satisfied that they were able to provide and enjoy a fantastic food experience, but mostly that they were able to contribute to such a deserving cause.

The Quantum House lessens the burden for families whose children are receiving treatment in Palm Beach County for a serious medical condition.   The 10-suite hospital hospitality house provides lodging, meals, care and compassion to more than 500 family members each year.