June, 2014 – Rotary Club Scholarship Ceremony


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – JUNE 20, 2014- Rotary Club of Wellington Scholarship Ceremony

The Rotary Club of Wellington recently held its annual college scholarship awards dinner at The Wanderers Club.  Most members of the club, many members of the community, the scholarship winners and their parents attended.

Seven seniors from Palm Beach Central High School and Wellington High School were awarded college scholarships ranging from one to four years at $2000.00 per year.  The Scholarship Committee of the Rotary Club carefully reviewed every applicant including their grades, their community service, their extra curriculum involvement, work history and financial need.  Finally every applicant was also interviewed by the committee to choose the winners.

The winners of the scholarships were as follows:  Melissa Kappel, won the Mark McClean Scholarship, Jackie Kaminski, the Marylou Alexander Scholarship, Sarah Baldeo, the Joan Boughner Scholarship, Amanda Eberhardt, the Joan Boughner Scholarship, Malcolm Robbs, the Joshua Candreva Scholarship and Wellington Rotary Club Scholarship, Emaan Sulaiman, the Wellington Rotary Club Scholarship and “Service Above Self” Interact Scholarship, and Courtney Osmond, the Neil August Scholarship.   All of the college scholarship winners were congratulated and were wished luck next year as they embark on their college career.  The students will be attending colleges next year including Palm Beach State College, Florida State University, Florida Atlantic University, and University of Florida.   Jay Broder was the Master of Ceremonies for the event.  The awards were presented by members of the Rotary Club.

For more information about the Rotary Club of Wellington or to become a member, please contact Bob Salerno, Public Relations Director, at (561) 512-8247 or e-mail: [email protected]