August, 2014 – Back to School Jitters


Mommy Moments

Back To School JittersBriana D'Andrea2

By Briana D’Andrea

I never thought the day would come…when we would have to send my precious baby boy to school. He’s been signed up since January and ever since, the anxiety has been weighing in pretty heavily. Two years ago, when my husband and I decided it would make more sense for me to stay home and raise our peanut, we figured it would be a piece of cake helping him to transition into a daily school routine and become apart of society. We know he’s ready to spread his social wings and get out and learn. However, I can’t help but ask so many questions I’m sure many of you moms have asked before. Will he understand? Will he have a good time? Will bullying be a problem? How will the teachers know what makes him smile?

As parents, whenever the summer comes to an end and the school year rolls around, we each have a different set of questions on our mind. Whether you are sending your child to a new school and they are forced to make news friends to fit in. Or they are making the transition into adulthood as Freshmen in high school…we’ve all been there. These experiences are all a part of life.

So, how exactly do you make going back to school a little less stressful? Perhaps the school has an orientation or open house where you can go and meet the teachers ahead of time. You may even meet some new parents or students to ride the new school year wave with.  Why not try and make the back to school process a fun one! Gear up on some brand new outfits, school supplies and books. I always remember being excited to wear my new clothes and write in a fresh notebook at the start of the year. Ease into the transition. Maybe it’s setting your alarm clock and going through the morning routine, so that the entire household isn’t rocked come game time.

Speaking of change, my son and I have been going through a school transition program. Every time I tell other moms about it, they either look at me and get it or look at me like I’m nuts! We’ve been attending a mommy and me program since he was 3 months old. Initially, it was a great way for us to meet people and we’ve made some amazing friends along the way.  Now the whole idea has become bigger than us. I’m pretty partial to my most amazing teachers, because I try to practice everything they preach and the lessons we’ve learned have exceeded my expectations. It’s a chance for both of us to get used to not being with one another every minute of the day. I patiently wait outside of the classroom for about an hour, while little man explores and finds his place. Of course this doesn’t come without tears and struggle, but ultimately we are both better for it. Although we will be attending a new school with new people and a longer schedule come fall, I’m confident my little mister will have all the tools he needs, thanks to this practice. I’m very thankful to have been apart of the program and couldn’t have completed it without the support of my husband and family.

So no matter what sort of hurdles you and your family are about to cross come the new school year, just remember you’ll make it to the finish line with a little bit of patience!


Briana D’Andrea is a former news anchor, reporter, producer and writer turned mommy. She traded in travel and red carpets to raise her almost 2-year-old baby boy and wouldn’t trade it for anything else in the world. She keeps up with her love of writing as a healthy foods examiner She loves spending time in her backyard with her husband, son and shih-tzu. Her hobbies include bike riding with her hubby and coloring with her son.