November, 2014 – Wellington Garden Club Meeting


                November 3, 2014

The Wellington Garden Club will meet
Monday, November 3, 2014 in the Greenview
Room at the Wellington Community Center
(12159 W. Forest Hill Blvd.), with a business
meeting at 10:30 a.m., followed by lunch at
11:30a.m., and a program at 12:15 p.m.  on

Sea Turtles in the Lake Worth Lagoon presented

by Jonathan Gorham of Inwater Research Group.

For the last eight years a group of green turtles

in the lagoon has been the focus of an ongoing

research project by Inwater Research Group, a

non- profit conservation organization  headquartered

in Jensen Beach, Florida.  These turtles which live

year round in the shallow waters of the lagoon

feed and grow in dense populations.  Genetic

testing has found that some of these small

turtles have come to the lagoon from as far away

as Ascension Island in the South Atlantic, over 6000

miles away!


Come hear Jim Gorham’s fascinating story of

what is happening in our nearby lagoon and

learn more about this endangered species.


Guests are welcome and there is no admission
fee, but seating is limited. To reserve a seat, call Carol

Coleman at 561-792-2290.


For more information about the Wellington Garden Club,