April, 2015 – Wellington Art Society Scholarship Award Ceremony



The Wellington Art Society will meet on April 8, 2015 at Bootz Culture Camp, 420 State Road 7, Suite 120.  Meet and greet will begin at 6:30, followed by the presentation of the Scholarship Awards to local high school seniors who will go on to study art in college.  All parents and teachers are invited to attend the presentation.  It is always a wonderful occasion for both the Wellington Art Society and the students.  It is one of the ways we contribute to the local community.

A brief meeting and the election of new officers and directors for the Board of Directors for the year 2015-2016  will follow the awards. All Art Society members are invited to share their latest art work during the Member Spotlight.  The meeting will conclude with our outstanding monthly raffle.

The Wellington Art Society is a non-profit charitable organization In its 35th year.  It is open to artists of all mediums and patrons of the arts, allowing both local and regional artists to display their art work in local galleries, interact with other artists and serve the community through. their art.

For further information visit wellingtonartsociety.org