December, 2009 – December 21, 2012…The End of the World?


The Space Room

Everything Sci-Fi & a Little AstronomyAnna Sanclement with husband John and baby Emma


December 21, 2012

The End of the World, or Just a lot of Myth?


by Anna Sanclement


Most sci-fi fans have probably already seen the blockbuster movie regarding the mysterious date of December 21st, 2012. The movie has brought a lot of attention to the fated long-known date, but there’s apparently much more to it than just the movie.


The Mayan Calendar


The Ancient Mayans had what is known as the Long Count Calendar and it ends on December 21, 2012. The numbers are written differently but when the equivalent dates are deciphered the last day on the calendar comes out to be 12-21-12.


Some people think this date means the end of the world; others say that it will be a time for spiritual renewal. The Mayans didn’t leave much information on what they though would happen on this day. So others have speculated for years and there are many theories making the rounds, especially doomsday ones. Here is a look at some of them:


Planet X


This scenario suggests that a celestial body that was first discovered by astronomers in the 1980’s will interact with Earth in 2012 and cause potential catastrophic destruction.


The planet body will start heading on a collision course towards Earth, but it is not sure exactly what trajectory the planet will take. It could go anywhere from passing near the Sun, to hitting Earth head on.  If it hits head on, then the planet will be destroyed, close trajectories could cause meteor showers capable of inciting large tsunamis.


Solar Activity


Increased solar activity as the year 2012 approaches could also elevate a corresponding rise in solar radiation. The Earth’s core has slowed its spinning since 2002 for unclear reasons; this can affect the magnetic field.


When combined with a heightened solar period this could seriously damage Earth’s magnetic field and disrupt the ecosystems. The heat could also provoke volcanoes and earthquakes.


Crustal Displacement


Due to the Galactic Alignment coming in 2012, where the Sun will be at the center of the Milky Way, cataclysmic forces will start a displacement of the Earth’s crust. The Sun will have an increased gravitational pull on the Earth because of its new position in the galaxy.


Solar activity will also increase due to this phenomenon, and will heat up the semi-liquid layers beneath the surface of the Earth. This will allow the crust to shift easier and massive violent earthquakes will occur.


Magnetic Pole Shift


This theory suggests that a pole reversal is imminent, as this phenomenon has actually happened before, about 730,000 years ago. It is believed that pole reversals happen every 400,000 years, so apparently we are quite overdue for one.


There are some signs that this reversal could have already started as the magnetic field has been declining by 10 percent in the last 150 years. The magnetic pole is moving around at a rapid pace as well.


A reversal in poles could prove quite catastrophic if it was to happen quickly, although by the evidence shown, it seems that they happen very gradually. However, it is possible that a pole shift could leave a diminished magnetic field and expose Earth to cosmic radiation.


These are the most common scenarios making the rounds about the impending 2012 date. Certainly there are many others, some of which are really out there.


Looking at this with common sense and logic, it pretty much comes down to a lot of science fiction. Which for this column it is really great, but for reality . . . Not so much. NASA has clearly denounced most of these theories to be anywhere from improbable to simply impossible.


But for what it’s worth, they make for a great movie with some absolutely awesome effects, which is just enough for any sci-fi geek out there!


If you want to psych yourself out with some more cataclysmic possibilities check out these websites:


For the 2012 movie’s website visit here:



Sky events to watch for this month, December 2009:


The Full Moon will be on the 2nd, we will see it in Last Quarter on the 8th and then the New Moon will happen on the 16th.


The constellation Perseus shines towards the high eastern sky at about 10:00 p.m. midmonth. Above it and a little to the right of it you will find the Triangulum constellation, which forms – you guessed it – a triangle! These two make great sights in December.


Then, between Perseus and Cassiopeia (which lies to the upper left of Perseus), you can find the Double Cluster, which we have already mentioned in previous months. This is a pair of star clusters that can be easily viewed with binoculars.


Rising earlier this month is beautiful Orion, the Hunter. Find this awesome constellation by looking to the east-southeast at around 9:00 p.m. EST. You will easily spot it by seeing the three stars that form a straight line, making up the Hunter’s belt. Right under the belt lies the Orion nebula, which can be seen with the naked eye from a dark location and easily defined with binoculars. The bluish haze becomes quite apparent with an average telescope; and with a large one the colors of the nebula will be much more evident. A beautiful sight, indeed.


Jupiter is now starting to sink towards the western horizon in the evening, slowly making its exit from the night-time sky. Mars is rising at about midnight now and is visible during the late night onto morning. Saturn is still a morning planet. If you are an early bird, you can observe its rings start to gradually open up as the planet tilts in its axis. Look for it at around 5:00 a.m. EST.


Mid December brings a bright and fast meteor shower known as the Geminid. The shower will start around December 12th and go until December 14th  at about 10:00 p.m. EST. Look towards the area in the sky where the stars Castor and Pollux lie, which is overhead on the eastern sky, a little to the upper left from Orion.


Watch for the shortest day of the year coming up on December 21st, which is known as the winter solstice.


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!


Look on up and smile!


For more sky events log on to: and

You can read other articles and tips by Anna on these websites: 


Anna Sanclement writes from home and has recently started to write articles for various Internet sites. She has also finished a novel and has written many stories and a movie script, just for fun.