December, 2009 – Astrology at Work




By Karola CrawfordKarola Crawford


Are you Capricorns trying to sneak off without being seen?  Come into the spotlight and celebrate your Birthday by receiving lots of well deserved recognition for organizing such a successful task.  You are the 10th sign of the Zodiac, and your ruler is serious Saturn.  Being an earth sign suits you well, as you like to give the hands-on approach to most of your ambitious and action initiating endeavors.   Your ruler and your sign is in charge of the bones of the body, as well as the skin.  You are extremely responsible, practical, efficient and patient, unless your Rising Sign dictates otherwise.  Taken to extremes, you can worry, be suspicious, retaliate, be stubborn, critical and intolerant. Your best place in life is in a career or situation where you are organizing with integrity and perseverance, as you love to attain a goal.  Capricorn is usually quiet on the exterior and therefore it can appear as though you are a loner.  This is similar to the mountain goat that stands quietly upon its lofty perch, keeping a keen eye upon the world below.  The goat appears to be totally unaware of the winds that are ever howling around him; however, he is not really unaware as much as he is impervious to them.  Like the goat, Capricorn has built a wall of reserve around her innermost being; however, the strong buffeting winds are able to penetrate and then worries and pessimism can flood a Capricorn’s being.

   For all your quiet exterior, you do enjoy the limelight and many times are thus attracted to politics and acting careers.  The strong desire that you have to succeed at whatever you do enables you to be hard working and patient in the pursuit of your goals.  If necessary, you will endure considerable hardship in obtaining these goals, and thus, your spare time is spent on practical projects.  You never make decisions rapidly, as you like to weigh all the pros and cons of a situation, and consequently, you rarely make a mistake.  You are dependable to a fault, especially in a crisis situation, and you always give sound advice when asked 

   As a rule, you are not aggressive, however, you will express hostility as a defense when attached.  Due to your deep sensitivity you can be deeply hurt from these attacks and will remember them for a long time.  Your wounds take time to heal and because of this, sometimes you seek to pay back hurts.  Though you have a strong need for people, you have a tendency to isolate yourself from people due to your reserve and fear of being hurt; consequently, you have only a few intimate and loyal friends.

   Due to Pluto’s rotation through your sign, you are undergoing extreme and deep change that will continue for many years.  There are many issues that started in the far past, even far enough back when you were still a child developing into a mature human being, that continue to come to the forefront and demand to be dealt with.  Issues in your current life stem from the past and will continue to show up until they are totally transformed into something brand new.  Celebrate this birthday in a brand new way and throw old routine to the wind.  A new person is being reborn and the old will not serve you any more.   

Aquarius – A new sense of optimism is flooding your being and allowing you to express yourself in such a positive way.  Show the world what you are truly made of and flash your unique personality so others can drop their rigid routines. 

Pisces – You are being called to take a much higher road, even though your plans may not have included this sudden change.  Allow yourself plenty of quiet time to reflect, but also act with force. 

Aries – Your outgoing nature is being sedated by Saturn, who is bestowing responsibility and hardship upon you.  Look at it like a tree growing new roots – you are setting up a new foundation in order to be yourself again. 

Taurus – You have the opportunity to be more adventurous these days and travel may be a good plan for you at this time.  This is not what your natural self would usually do, but if you are ever to get your feet moving, this is a good time to do it. 

Gemini – A bit more toward serious thought and planning is on the agenda for you fun loving Geminis.  Use this time to get a new start on business or home routines as you now have the ability to stick to the task. 

Cancer – Some of you are already feeling the change that is coming your way as you are attempting to balance home with career and responsibility.  It is now time to move some of your energy out of the home into a well laid out plan. 

Leo – You have plenty of energy to do everything that is on your to do list and more.  Take advantage of this time by getting ready for winter and preparing both the inside and outside of your home, after which you can get some well deserved rest. 

Virgo – Good ideas are coming to you, however, you need to decide which of those are truly beneficial and which are just too bizarre.  Develop good habits by keeping a log or writing down information so that you can make productive sense of it all. 

Libra – Life has become more serious for you social party animals, and it may be time to spend some quiet time alone meditating.   You may see this as a let down in life, however, most good ideas come from some responsible quiet time. 

Scorpio – Your ruler is more reserved these days and cracking out the details of revamping government and structure is right up your alley.  Use this powerful energy to make positive change in a very needy world. 

Sagittarius – Beauty and love are yours this month, so surround yourself with beautiful flowers and create, create, create.  You see the world through a refined vision and artwork will definitely benefit.


Karola Crawford, MAFA, has been a certified Astrologer for 22 years. She has cast charts for clients all over the world and also practices Holistic medicine, Yoga, Shiatsu, Reiki, Auricular Acupucture and is an accomplished artist. Where does she get all of her energy? A grand trine in fire, of course. Karola can be reached at 561-615-1591 or by visiting the web site at