October, 2015 – Rotary Club’s Dictionary Project


October, 2015 – Rotary Club’s Dictionary Project

Dictionary Delivery Equestrian Trails Oct 2015

The Rotary Club of Wellington just completed its annual Dictionary Project as part of its community service projects for the year.  The Rotary Club donates dictionaries to every third grade class in the 7 Wellington area Elementary Schools.  Rotary International has found that 3rd grade is an important year in a child’s education to work on building their vocabulary and communication skills.  Members of the club personally deliver the dictionaries to the classes and discuss some of the content in the book which besides word definitions includes Maps, American History, Sign Language, Braille and The Longest Word in the English language.   The Rotarians enjoy the giving of the dictionaries almost as much as the students enjoy receiving them.

Over 1200 dictionaries were distributed to the 3rd graders this year.  During the distribution of the dictionaries, the students were also given a presentation about Rotary and what the club does both locally and internationally.  The children were taught the Rotary’s “Four Way Test” which is a guide to living a successful life.

The program was spearheaded by Debbie Sanacore and Maggie Zeller, the Rotary Club’s Director of Community Service Projects.  Many members of the Rotary Club participated in the distribution of the dictionaries to the classes.  The Rotary Club looks forward to continuing this annual program next year and in years to come.  For more information about the Rotary Club of Wellington, please contact Donald Gross at (561) 723-8461.  The Rotary Club of Wellington meets every Thursday at 12:15 PM at The Wanderers Club in Wellington, FL.