December, 2009 – Wellington’s “Hometown Holidays” Parade Winners


Press Release

Contact: Anitra Harmon

Phone: (561) 790-6200

[email protected]



     December 14, 2009




26th Annual Palms West Chamber Holiday Parade, “Hometown Holidays”

Sunday, December 13th, 2009

Forest Hill Boulevard, between Wellington Trace and Country Club Drive


Santa Claus has come to town!


The 25th Annual Palms West Chamber Holiday Parade made its way down Forest Hill Boulevard on Sunday afternoon, December 13th.  The event was led off by the 7th Annual Holiday Mile Race.  Then, over 125 parade entries made their way down Forest Hill Boulevard to the delight of thousands of residents of the Western Communities that lined the street.  There were 7 marching bands from the area schools, Brownie Troops, Cub Scout Packs, clowns, antique cars and fire trucks, twirlers, horses and plenty more.  Many community organizations created beautiful, creative floats based on the Parade’s theme, “Hometown Holidays, Connecting Family, Friends and Community.  The winning parade entries were:

Decorated Vehicle:

1.     Brownie Troop #87

2.     Golden Girls Nursing Registry

Adult Float:

1.      Knights of Columbus/St. Peter’s Church

2.      South Florida Fair


1.     Seminole Ridge High School “Hawks”

2.     John I Leonard High School “Mighty Lancer Marching Band”


1.     Acreage Horseman’s Association

2.     Magical Minnies

Performing Group:

1.     Solid Gold Twirlers

2.     Eldridge Gale School

Juvenile Float:

1.     Cub Scout Pack #125

2.     Wellington Christian School

Marching Group ;

1.     Western Communities Football League

2.     Star Wars #501 Legion, Everglades

Best in Show:

       Cub Scout Pack #118


Of course, the last float of the day was a sleigh with reindeers that ushered in the person that everyone was waiting to see….SANTA…wishing everyone in the Western Communities, “Happy Holidays”!