January, 2010 – Resolutions Aplenty


Letter from the Editor 


January, 2010Krista Martinelli


Dear Around Wellington Readers,


Happy New Year!


I hope that you had a wonderful holiday season and found a little quiet time to enjoy it too! In my household, we are just catching up with the rest of the world and we finally got the Wii for Christmas, thanks to my Aunt Shirley. It’s truly a lot of fun for the whole family, as we can play virtually anything together now. As a bonus, we also got the Wii Fit Plus. So beyond the inner voice that nags at the beginning of the year about shedding some extra pounds, there’s that extra squeaky Wii voice that tells me to get on and off the board as it calculates my body fat, balance and other problematic areas.


Speaking of the New Year, we have several fresh perspectives on the idea of New Year’s Resolutions. If you need a good laugh, read Alan Williamson’s “Resolutions 2010.” This is too funny to be missed, so please read it, forward it, print it out and keep on the lighter side of things as you head into 2010, with a little help from Alan.


For a Mom’s take on things to come in 2010, visit our AW Stories of the Month and see Melanie Lewis’ plan for a big “Do-Over” in the next year.


For some great tips on getting fit this year, read Cheryl Alker’s “New Year’s Resolution Number One.” “Here at Around Wellington,” says Alker, “we would like to take the ‘Commitment to be Fit and Healthy’ pledge in 2010 and provide you with as much information as we can to keep you focused on your goals.”


And don’t forget Fido, as we head into the New Year! Frances Goodman gives helpful suggestions on better ways to communicate and exercise with your dog in “This is the Year to Do More with Your Dog.”


Getting to the important subject of inner self, Lisa Dawn Wax gives some terrific tips in her “Resolution #1: Manifest Happiness.” She starts it off with this beautiful quote from Anais Nin, “The time came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom” and furthers that thought, uplifting us along the way.


In Living Green, Jathy Garcia compiles a good list of ways to “Take Small Steps for a Greener Life: New Year’s Resolution.”


Don’t forget about our fabulous contests!  This month we have our beginning-of-the-month contest to win a wonderful one-hour massage at Massage Envy. So please enter between January 1st – 10th. The winner will be announced on our website on January 11th. And then – listen up, parents – we will have a very special contest between January 15th – 20th and the lucky winner gets a ready-to-go birthday party at My Gym in Royal Palm Beach. THANKS to our advertisers for making these contests possible!


Do you need a “vacation in your own backyard?” I certainly did and found the perfect one last month at the newly re-opened Sanda Gane European Day Spa. This popular spa is now located just above Nicole’s Pasta & Grill on South Shore Boulevard in Wellington. Look for their ad or visit our AW Coupons for their unbeatable Grand Opening offer! In our AW Spotlight story, I have the pleasure of introducing you to Sanda Gane’s thoroughly relaxing spa this month.


I’m happy to introduce three new columnists. Shakira Muneswar takes a turn at “Mommy Moments” and writes about the problem-solving skills she needed to deal with her baby’s allergic reactions. Truly helpful insights, especially for new Moms and Dads who might be scratching their heads too, trying to figure out what’s going wrong.


Talented playwright and writer Marla Schwartz now writes our “Cultural Corner” and offers insights into the brilliant, dark mind of author Jeff Lindsay. He’s the author behind the #1 hit series “Dexter” on Showtime. Don’t miss her in-depth interview with him.


I’m also pleased to introduce Claudine Motto’s new monthly column “Ultimate Productivity.” You might be familiar with Claudine, who has written for our AW Stories of the Month for the past few months (see Archives). For the new year and especially designed for business owners, she provides her “7S Business Productivity Checklist” for jumpstarting your business in 2010.


While New Year’s Resolutions are the theme in this online issue, not every writer chose this subject. Check out Cantankerously Yours, Astrology at Work in Your Life, By the Numbers, the Poem of the Month, The Space Room, Teen Talk and Travel with Terri for a variety of fun topics! For current events, see our Calendar or Press Releases.


Thanks for your continuing feedback and support of AroundWellington.com! I’m pleased to bring you the finest in community news in our online format each month, which is all possible thanks to our terrific advertisers and thanks to you, dear readers.


I’ve succeeded once again in being long-winded! And so my New Year’s Resolution, in addition to trying to lose 10 pounds, is to be more succinct. You know, fewer words. Brevity is the soul of wit and all that. OK, I’d better quit before it gets worse. Wishing you a beautiful start to the New Year!




Krista Martinelli

