June, 2016 – AW in Pictures


Just a few featured photos Around Wellington this month.  See our “Photo Galleries” page for more photos.

Pix Silvia C Garcia with Felicia Rodriguez TV 25 Esperanza Award 6-15-16
Left: Felicia Rodriguez of Channel 25 News. Right: Silvia Garcia winning the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce’s Esperanza award.
PTS 2015 Group Photo-Kretzer
Physicians Talent Showcase 2015. Ready for their next show in August. Front Row: Plastic Surgeon Dr. Robin Sykes; President of Kretzer Piano Music Foundation Kathi Kretzer-Sayler; OB/GYN Dr. Maureen Whelihan; Dermatologist Dr. Robin Shecter; Pediatrician Dr. Lyda Rodriguez. Second Row: Retired Pathologist Dr. Gordon Johnson; Emergency Medicine Dr. John Fernandez; Anesthesiologist Dr. Richard Wayne; Anesthesiologist Dr. Millard Brooks; Pulmonologist Dr. Kenneth Fuquay; Back Row: Dermatologist Dr. Peggy Hunter; Doctor of Music Dr. Robin Arrigo DMA; General Surgeon Dr. Tom Rowe; Vascular Surgeon Dr. Jack Zeltzer.



"Genetically Modified Corn." By Rollin McGrail.
“Genetically Modified Corn.” By Rollin McGrail.



The Wellington Wolves. Congratulations for winning the USSSA 5th grade National Championship. Photo courtesy of Alisa Sineway.
The Wellington Wolves. Congratulations for winning the USSSA 5th grade National Championship. Photo courtesy of Alisa Sineway.
sarge wellington
This veteran and his family spent a month in Wellington as he trained with his service dog through Awesome Greyhound Adoptions. Also training with the two of them together was done to fine tune the team and also to make sure Sarge was doing all the things Matt needed him to do. Matt is an Air Force Veteran and the family has now returned to SC to work together for life. Find out more at www.awesomegreyhoundadoptions.org