March, 2010 – “From Door to Door” on Stage


Ross JCC and Onstage Theatre Company

present dramatic comedy “From Door to Door” 




BOYNTON BEACHThe Lore & Eric F. Ross JCC and the locally-based Onstage Theatre Company announce the presentation of the critically-acclaimed dramatic comedy “From Door to Door,” starring local actors and directed by South Florida’s own Steve Rubin and Paula Sackett.


 “From Door to Door,” was written by James Sherman, who also wrote the hit comedy, “Beau Jest,” which was made into a film in 2007. The title is a play on words on the Hebrew phrase ‘L’dor V’dor,’ which means ‘From Generation to Generation.’ The play tells the story of Mary, a product of the “Greatest Generation.” As her past unfolds in heartwarming and hilarious scenes with her daughter and mother, it is apparent that three generations of Jewish women in this family have risen to meet expectations and bravely face the future. The New York Daily News called the play, “Hilarious and deeply moving,” and the Chicago Tribune noted that, “Sherman has all the details right…”


Performances are 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. Sunday, March 14 and March 21, and 7:30 p.m. Thursday, March 18, 2010 at the Ross JCC, 8500 Jog Rd., Boynton Beach. Tickets are $14 JCC members, and $20 for non-members. For tickets, call the JCC box office at 561-736-4751 or 561-740-9000.