January, 2017 – Marching On


Marching On


January, 2017


This month I had the chance to be a part of the largest march in our nation’s history, the Women’s March.  With my sister-in-law and her friend, we descended upon Washington, D.C. to have our voices heard.


I made a sign ahead of time that said, “This pussy is not up for grabs.”  And on the other side, “No to Hate.  No to Trump.  Be Kind.”  While my kids felt this was an “inappropriate” sign, I argued that I was quoting directly from our President’s words.  When I got to the March, I was floored by the creativity and positivity people put into their signs. 


And what should have been the headline the next day?  That a peaceful protest succeeded with an estimated 1.2 million (according to March organizers) marching in Washington, D.C. and literally no violence on this amazing day.  The media has a way of getting distracted though and so in most major newspapers this was the second main story of the next day.  Now that we are living in an age of “alternative facts,” the media has to be extra-savvy when it comes to choosing priorities and reporting on actual facts. 


So nine of us women crammed into a townhouse over the weekend.  These were wise warrior women, all survivors of different battles.  And they came bearing gifts.

We all received a knitted pink pussycat hat to wear on the day of the march.  These hats were everywhere in the sea of protestors, a fashion statement.  My sister-in-law gave me a beautiful necklace that ties together a heart and a safety pin.  https://www.facebook.com/MuseFireArt/?pnref=lhc  I had a “Kind” button given to me. The woman we were staying with, Alison, was very hospitable and had Metro cards with money loaded on them, so we would be all ready to ride the subway.  Another powerful woman named Amy was a former police officer.  She took great care in preparing our group to stay safe and stay connected during the March, just in case of a terrorist attack or counter protestor attack. 


I truly enjoyed the company and camaraderie of each of these amazing women.  In the midst of being packed-like-sardines during the March, I was glad to be holding their hands. 


I’ve been to D.C. for two previous protests, but have never seen anything like this.  The sea of people went on and on.  Just peaceful protestors of all ages, sizes, shapes and colors.  One of the chants was, “Show me what democracy looks like!”  “This is what democracy looks like!”


At one point a couple of adorable 5-year-old girls led the crowd in that chant.  One African American and the other blonde haired, holding hands, shouting, “Show me what democracy looks like!” And the crowd replied, “You are what democracy looks like!”  It was a beautiful thing. 


The Women’s March took place on all 7 continents, yes – even Antarctica.  Whether you were marching for women’s rights, civil rights, environmental protection, anti-bullying, LGBTQ rights, special needs rights or another cause, you made your voices heard worldwide. 


What happened at the March was bigger than a one-day affair; it is a movement.  People of all types taking to the streets – next will be making phone calls to their representatives.  I hope you choose to “get on the bus” and be a part of the peaceful, yet powerful women’s movement. 


Krista Martinelli

Owner/ Publisher
