April, 2010 – St. Peter’s Spring Fair on April 17th


Media Contact: Amy Roberts 561-791-9718



For immediate release 3/18/10

Church ‘Spring Fair’ coming to town April 17, 2010


Join us for the “Noah’s Floating Zoo!” Event


St. Peters United Methodist Church and Child Enrichment Center pre-school is hosting its annual “Spring Fair and Fundraiser” Saturday, April 17, 2010.  The event and fundraiser features a Silent Auction with goods donated from area businesses, safety demonstrations by local fire and rescue officials, food, bake sale, zoo themed games, bounce houses, rock wall, bungee trampoline, pony rides, entertainment and more.


Admission is free.  Game, event wristbands and food for sale on the day of the fair to support the Child Enrichment Center’s fundraising efforts.  The event is from 10am until 2pm on Saturday, April 17, 2010.  The Silent Auction is from 10am-1pm (Auction item wins may be paid for and picked up at 2pm). 


Local area businesses are encouraged to donate new items, gift baskets, and certificates for the school fair in return for great exposure to a large Wellington and surrounding area family audience!  Donations are tax deductible.  To make a donation, call Patricia Banks at 561-798-3286.  All auction items must be received by Thursday, April 1, 2010 to be included in sponsor listings.


The church is located at 12200 West Forest Hill Boulevard in Wellington.


For more information about the event, call the Child Enrichment Center at St. Peters United Methodist Church (561) 798-3286.



Additional information:

The Child Enrichment Center is Gold Seal accredited Florida approved pre-school under the guidance of St. Peter’s United Methodist Church of Wellington.  We are a non-profit organization made up of parents and friends of the Child Enrichment Center.  Our goal is to raise funds to purchase items that will further enrich the curriculum and teachings of the school.  The Spring Fair is the way the Parent Staff fellowship can give back to the program, which supports the needs of the community. 


This year’s theme is “Noah’s Floating Zoo”.  Activities planned include zoo  themed games, face painting, sensory booths, bounce houses, rock wall, bungee trampoline, pony rides, food, bake sale, a silent auction, entertainment and more.  Our event logo this year was created by one of St. Peter’s pre-school students Regan Maxwell, age 5.

Visit the St. Peter’s website for more info at www.stpeterscec.com