Martial Arts Studio Supports YWCA Harmony House


A magical sleigh is not Santa Claus’ only mode of transportation! On Saturday, December 9th, Santa arrived via fire truck at Master Ken Martial Arts Academy in Royal Palm Beach to attend the school’s annual holiday party. Santa did not come empty handed—the jolly elf had a special gift for each of the nearly 100 martial arts students in attendance.

Another highlight of the event was the presentation of holiday gifts for the women and children residing at the Mary Rubloff YWCA Harmony House, a shelter for victims of domestic violence. On hand to accept the huge donation of toys, games, stuffed animals, toiletries and baby items collected by the Five Elements Demonstration Team was Allyson Samiljan, Coordinator of Special Events and Community Outreach for the YWCA of Palm Beach County. She spoke about Harmony House, a 72-bed shelter in an undisclosed location in Palm Beach County, and thanked the guests for the Academy’s support for the past nine years. “We truly appreciate your generosity, especially at this time of the year,” stated Samiljan.

According to Master Ken Smith, in addition to learning martial arts, the students are encouraged to recognize the importance of giving back to their community. “It is important to remember that we are giving and receiving with those around us on a daily basis, so let us give our very best.”

For more information about Master Ken Martial Arts, please call 561-793-4132 or
visit For additional information on the YWCA, please call 561-640-0050 or visit

Photo: Allyson Samiljan of the YWCA with Master Ken Smith, Sensei Carolyn Smith and Santa