April, 2010 – Youth Racial Justice Awards



To:         Around Wellington – Attn.: Krista Martinelli
From:     YWCA of Palm Beach County
Re:         Youth Racial Justice Award Nominations
Date:      April 7, 2010
Contact: Allyson Samiljan – 561-640-0050
The YWCA of Palm Beach County is seeking nominations for its 2010 Youth Racial Justice Award which honors an individual or youth group that has demonstrated leadership in organizing and implementing programs or activities that attempt to reduce and/or prevent racial injustice.
As part of its mission of eliminating racism, the YWCA recognizes that youth throughout the community are helping in a variety of ways to create greater harmony among youth of various races and ethnicities. This is being done through school and after-school organizations and religious, social and neighborhood groups.
Information required as part of the nomination includes nominee’s name, nominator’s name, address and phone number, and nominator’s relationship to nominee, if any, as well as a description of how the nominee has exemplified racial justice leadership and professional achievement. Clippings, pictures and supporting documents that demonstrate the work of the nominee may be included.

The deadline for nominations is 4:00 p.m. on Friday, May 14, 2010.

For more information or to request a Nomination Form, please call the YWCA at 561-640-0050.