May, 2010 – Happy Mother’s Day!


Letter from the EditorStella and Krista Martinelli 


May, 2010



Dear Around Wellington Readers,


Happy May and Happy Mother’s Day!


You truly do not know how challenging (and at the same time wonderful) it is to be a mother, until you experience it for yourself. Even though there are a lot of funny emails about being a Mom that go around, I thought this one was quite good – “The Next Survivor Series.” And on a sweeter, more serious note, please read our “Poem of the Month” by Ron Lee Stewart, titled “From The Heart.” Happy Mother’s Day to all of you tired, hard-working, resilient, super Moms!


If you missed the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, Obama’s speech was a lot of fun – so check out the video. Obama poked fun at Jay Leno, as well as many others, in his humorous address. “Glad to see the only person whose ratings fell more than mine last year,” he said, looking at Leno.


The Louisiana oil spill oozes on, as I write this, and it’s maddening to think of all of the wild animals, birds and fish that will be killed by this colossal spill.  The National Audubon Society is recruiting volunteers in the fight to save “ecologically sensitive areas.” also provides the opportunity sign up and assist with the cleanup. This spill, caused by BP, threatens the entire Gulf Coast, and all living things in that environment, oozing at least 5,000 barrels a day. So the next time you hear someone say, “Drill, baby, drill,” ask them to stop their chanting and think of alternative energy resources instead.


Speaking of alternative energy and being “green,” don’t miss Christine Smith’s “Three Steps to Going Green in Business” this month.


Our fabulous contests continue! The first one runs from May 1st to 10th and the prize is a rejuvenating, one-hour massage from Massage Envy! And then please don’t forget to return to our “Contest” page between May 15th – 20th for a very special prize from the Improv at City Place! 


We have a few fun stories about celebrities too (authors Dave Barry, Ridley Pearson and late night star Chelsea Handler). Thanks to Marla E. Schwartz, we have an exclusive interview with Barry and Pearson as they prepare for their book tour for their children’s Starcatcher series. If you’re able to, catch them at Fairchild Tropical Garden on Saturday, May 8 at 3pm for a very special book signing and garden tour event.  Marla writes this month in her “Cultural Corner” about queen of late night comedy Chelsea Handler. She was able to see her on tour with her latest book “Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang.”


Feeling like there’s no way you can get back to your old, fit 20-something body that you once knew and loved? Local personal trainer and stretch expert Cheryl Alker is here to help. Read Glenn Swift’s story about how Alker gets her clients back to a “lean and lifted” body shape in our “AW Stories of the Month.”  Cheryl, by the way, writes our “Health & Fitness” column each month and this month she asks, “How Strong Are You?”


As usual, I wish I could tell you about all of our May articles, but this is a good start. Click around and see our latest stories, photos and videos.


Around Wellington in Pictures

Astrology At Work in Your Life

As I Was Saying

AW Spotlight

AW Stories of the Month


Cantankerously Yours


Cultural Corner

Health & Fitness

Lighten Up with Lisa

Living Green

Mommy Moments

Pet Talk

Photo Galleries

Poem of the Month

Press Releases

The Space Room

Teen Talk

Travel with Terri

Ultimate Productivity



THANKS so much to our readers and our advertisers!  We appreciate you!!


Best Regards,

Krista Martinelli, Editor