Gay Polo League’s Polotini Presents Wigstock!


Gay Polo League’s Polotini Presents WIGSTOCK!

Wellington, Fla. – The 10th Annual Land Rover Palm Beach International Gay Polo Tournament Presented by RSM US will return to Wellington, Florida, April 4-7, 2019. As Gay Polo League (GPL) festivities rage on, Friday’s “GPL Polotini Presents WIGSTOCK!” party is the place to be! WIGSTOCK! is a rousing, poolside cocktail party with food stations, a full bar, and electrifying entertainment, featuring Michael Dean as Cher and Velvet Lenore as Donna Summer.

WHO: Gay Polo League

WHAT: GPL Polotini Presents WIGSTOCK!

WHEN: Friday, April 5, 2019, 7 p.m. to 11 p.m.

WHERE: International Polo Club Palm Beach, Mallet Grille, Wellington, Florida

MORE: As GPL has become a platform for human rights, the Friday, April 5 party is a fundraiser for SAGE, with the net proceeds from ticket sales and the silent auction being donated to the LGBT organization. Founded in 1978, SAGE is a national organization providing advocacy and services to LGBT elders.

GPL Polotini Presents WIGSTOCK! will kick off the chic, festive, and fabulous Gay Polo Tournament weekend. Casual cocktail attire is suggested. Wigs are encouraged – the wilder and wackier the better!

Tickets for the “GPL Polotini Presents WIGSTOCK!” party are $125 per person and can be purchased at, along with tickets for all of the 10th Annual Land Rover Palm Beach International Gay Polo Tournament Presented by RSM US events and festivities.

Be sure to use #GPL2019 on social media!

Please click here for a word document of the post press release and high-res photos. If for some reason you cannot view the link, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Photo 1 Cher: Michael Dean as Cher (Photo credit: Michael Murphy / Make-up & Stylist: Kevin Wiley)
Photo 2 WIGSTOCK: Sugar Erskine, Gus Larrosa, Margaret Duprey, Chip McKenney, Pete Grover, Matt Cappola (Photo courtesy of the GPL)

About Gay Polo League
The Gay Polo League (GPL) is the only LGBTQ-identified polo league in the world. Since its founding in 2006, GPL has built an international network of LGBTQ polo players and enthusiasts in 13 countries. The league embraces a cross-section of ages, abilities, professions, and riding experience. Through its enthusiasm for the sport, the league works to foster positive perceptions about gay athletes and the LGBTQ community. The focus is to provide the LGBTQ community with opportunities to learn how to play polo and successfully compete in GPL tournaments and events. In 2017, GPL became a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. This designation enables the Gay Polo League to use its events to benefit others and raise much-needed funds for programs aimed at helping those within the LGBTQ community.

About SAGE
Founded in 1978, SAGE is the nation’s oldest and largest organization dedicated to serving and advocating for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) elders. SAGE’s mission is to lead in addressing issues related to LGBT aging. In partnership with its constituents and allies, SAGE works to achieve a high quality of life for LGBT elders, supports and advocates for their rights, fosters a greater understanding of aging in all communities, and promotes positive images of LGBT life in later years. SAGE fulfills this direct mission through advocacy, and by providing direct and supportive social services, social recreational activities, education, and technical assistance programs, locally and nationally, so the pioneers of our movement and the generations that follow may age with the dignity they deserve.