June, 2010 – Happy June, Happy Father’s Day!


Letter from the EditorOur PreK Graduation Celebration at Beginnings Preschool 


June, 2010



Dear Around Wellington Readers,


Happy June and Happy Father’s Day!


This month we celebrate Father’s Day with a lovely article by “Teen Talk columnist Evan Baumel, who wrote a tribute to his father. We say goodbye to Evan this month, as he graduates and goes off to bigger and better things – he will attend the honors program at American University in Washington, DC in the fall.  Speaking of graduation, my own daughter graduated from preschool and it was such a cute ceremony!  Congratulations to all of this year’s local graduates!  And speaking of “Teen Talk,” if you know of a teen who is a good writer, please let us know. We’re looking for our next “Teen Talk” writer.  Also see the Father’s Day poem under our Poem of the Month.”


The Gulf oil spill is maddening and saddening.  I cannot believe that it hasn’t been stopped, more than 30 days after the last time I sat down to write this Letter from the Editor. Did you see the Louisiana congressman who broke down in tears during a hearing about the BP oil spill and the damage it has caused?  Here’s the brief video, if you missed that in the news. What are we doing to this Earth, this place we call home and what will it take (if not this incident) to stop corporate greed from ruining every inch of this planet?


On a brighter note, our contests continue! The first one concludes on June 1st, so I hope that you took 30 seconds to enter it. We try to make these contests easy and attainable, so that you can actually win!  The two winners will receive family packs to the Palms West Chamber’s Taste of the West and Chocolate Lover’s Festival (valued at $60).  THANKS for all of your entries so far!  Our next contest runs from June 20th to 25th and the prize is a rejuvenating, one-hour massage from Massage Envy! Thanks to all of you who have entered our recent contests…keep on trying!!


If you’re ready for a few laughs, check out Alan Williamson’s “Stray Thoughts, Vol. IV” this month. He never fails to make me laugh!  So if you’re a fan (as I’ve heard from many of you that you are), go ahead and make “As I Was Saying” a favorite.  You might also enjoy Alan’s most excellent blog “Unauthorized Insights” too!


In need of a little inspiration? Lisa Dawn Wax answers the question of a “frazzled mom” this month and does so with some wonderful nuggets of wisdom.  Check out “Lighten Up with Lisa,”  whether you’re feeling frazzled or not! And don’t forget that you can email your questions and “life struggles” to Lisa…and she will lighten your load.


Special to AroundWellington.com, writer/photographer Lois Spatz takes a turn at “Mommy Moments” and gives us a glimpse into her crazy weekend as a chaperone for a trip to Chicago along with 88 middle school students. Congratulations to the Wellington Landings Middle School band, who won two awards in their band competition!


In need of a little practical puppy training advice?  I know a few of you who are recent new owners of puppies, and you will find Frances Goodman’s “Pet Talk” very helpful, as usual. Read her article “No-no’s that Puppies Find Hard to Resist.”


Writer Anna Sanclement takes a different turn beginning this month with “The Space Room,” which was formerly an article focused on what’s happening in the world of sci-fi, with a little astronomy at the end. Now she focuses on astronomy, what’s happening in the sky each month, including the moon, the planets, the stars and constellations and more!  Don’t miss this month’s meteor shower which peaks on June 23rd!


If you’re planning on traveling this summer, you’ll enjoy Terri Farris’ column about great summer places to eat!  In “Travel with Terri,” she brings out the best in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and Atlanta hot spots to eat.


Are you thinking that this is a great month to finally get organized? Never fear because Claudine Motto is here!  She gives us some great tips on “Cutting Down on Digital Clutter” in her “Ultimate Productivity” column!  Also, don’t forget that you can join Claudine’s Facebook page for more frequent tips on getting organized. Very helpful!


In our “AW Stories of the Month,” writer Marla Schwartz gives us a great overview of what’s going on in the world of theater at Miami’s City Theatre. Their “Summer Shorts” program is phenomenal and gives you one of the best programs of short plays in the country.  Inside this story, she interviews musician Lisa Loeb and playwright Marco Ramirez, special to AroundWellington.com this month! Schwartz, in another article, interviews local authors Deborah and Joel Shlian who wrote “Rabbit in the Moon.” Her article includes some interesting insights in how a husband and wife team can effectively work together to write a great book.


As always, there are many more great articles that I didn’t even touch upon yet. THANKS to all of our writers and photographers for their fine contributions, month by month! Click around and see our latest stories, photos and videos.


Around Wellington in Pictures

Astrology At Work in Your Life

As I Was Saying

AW Spotlight

AW Stories of the Month


By the Numbers

Cantankerously Yours


Cultural Corner

Health & Fitness

Lighten Up with Lisa

Living Green

Mommy Moments

Pet Talk

Photo Galleries

Poem of the Month

Press Releases

The Space Room

Teen Talk

Travel with Terri

Ultimate Productivity



I’m thankful to our readers for your involvement and our advertisers for your sponsorship! 


You can now become an AroundWellington.com FaceBook fan. See our “Become a Fan” link by strolling down on the left side of www.aroundwellington.com. 


Hope you have a happy beginning to the summer!  




Krista Martinelli

