Never in a Million Years Did I Think I Would Become a Homeschool Mom!


Never in a Million Years Did I Think I Would Become a Homeschool Mom!

By Briana D’Andrea

Okay you guys. I don’t have to say it, you already feel it. The struggle is REAL THIS TIME! I know we always laughed at that saying and touted it around like a cute little purse, but on the real, this is unlike any other struggle we as a nation have ever had to endure. Please don’t say I have a dog and know what it’s like, because I have that too and it AIN’T THE SAME. Ok…rant done. So let’s get up to speed here.

You’re home, having to work, to figure out your next meal, learning to embrace the unknown, not clear on if you are going to be able to cover your bills, HOMESCHOOL your kids and take it like a champ, all while praying to all things holy, you don’t contract some deadly disease that seems like that scary movie “Parasite!” Someone please pinch me and wake me up from this terrible dream!

I have always been the realest of the real when it comes to life (just ask my husband), but for the sake of having to keep my crown on as queen and not let my kingdom burn down, I’m going to share a few tips and tricks that have helped me thus far. No I am NOT AN EXPERT and on occasion I have been known to freak out (it’s the New Yorker in me), but let’s get something straight, I’m tenacious, head strong and am not known for going along with the status quo, plus in my home we have a motto that says “D’Andreas Don’t Quit!” So it’s time to put our big girl panties on, ride this wave out like all of the other waves we’ve rode and enjoy the ride, because when in our lifetime has the President of the United States ordered us to, “Stay home in your pjs and Netflix and chill for the time being?” Like for reals.

So there was a post circulating of a little schedule that I snagged from my sister in law on behalf of NESCA (Neuropsychology & Education Services for Children & Adolescents). I’ve got to admit, at first I snorted at the idea…me? Home School mom? Ha! I have friends who I would sit around and have lunch with, saying how I could NEVER do it, that I am totally not equipped and how I don’t even see how it’s even a possibility. Fast forward a week (joke’s on me) and here I am!

OK, so it’s been 3 days and I have to say so far so good. Have we had a few fights and tantrums? Uh duh! However, this thing has really kept us all on schedule and I hope this post can inspire you to do the same! I have a 4 year old and a 7 year old and obviously they are at different skill levels. So during academic time I am supplementing with workbooks I’ve gotten for preschoolers, for my little one and some books from school that I’ve saved and that we have for my bigger one. Reach out to your teachers for info on applications or computer programs you can use. I know Palm Beach County Schools recently released some resources to help us tackle this whole learning from home thing. Reach out to your school’s district or visit their website to learn more about what to do in your area. Our teacher recommended something called, “Brain Pop Junior.” My mother in law recently got the kids an OSMO. It’s super awesome for learning shapes, numbers, letters, etc.

And you can make it as easy or hard as you like. (You will need a Kindle for that).This is a great list of apps I found on my Pinterest for children of all ages, so you can avoid them binging on YouTube all day.

Also, a list of helpful homeschool links to help you develop some kind of a curriculum is below.

For those of us who are attempting a schedule while working from home, (this isn’t a new concept for myself since I have my daughter home part-time and I have a few businesses). I am still waking up early, getting dressed, and working for an hour before the kids wake up and during their “quiet rest times,” which is how I am able to write this blog post. I am going to consider more food prep (stay tuned for that in another blog post) and incorporate the kids somehow. For now, I am cooking while they soak in a pretty cool Netflix series called “Brainchild.” So far we’ve watched two episodes and they were on the topics of social media and germs (which I feel like is very fitting of the times). We have been getting up every morning to go for a bike ride and a run for mama to release those endorphins first thing in the a.m.!

Lastly, here are a few things I picked up on Amazon for some fun crafts. A sticker by numbers book, a jewelry box for little miss to paint, some sand art and window art (who remembers those beads, we used to bake?!)

Let’s band together and use this as an opportunity to help one another weather this storm. Think about all of the things in the past you were so afraid of and now are merely a blip on your radar. Jen Sincero said exactly that in her recent book, “You Are a Badass at Making Money.” Remember to reorganize your schedule and make time for the things you love most and most importantly self-care. We are all in this together. Please send me a message, a dm or just share this with someone who might need it. Virtual hugs to all! I want to leave you with a quote by Mister Rogers.