Fall “Creepy Crawl” Drive-Thru Experience


Fall “Creepy Crawl” Drive-Thru Experience
to Bring Chills and Thrills to Wellington

The year 2020 may feel like all tricks, but this October Wellington is offering a special treat. Enjoy a FREE Fall “Creepy Crawl” Drive-Thru experience at Village Park (11700 Pierson Road) on Saturday, October 17th, from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM.

Witches and graveyards and monsters, oh my! Navigate your way through more than 8 different “scare zones” filled with all of your Halloween favorites. From classic horror characters to zombies and creepy clowns, there is a fright to delight every member of the family.

Pathway options through the park include routes for scare zones rated G through PG, appropriate for those with younger ghouls and goblins onboard, and routes rated PG-13, for those seeking a more chilling experience. Please follow event signage for the appropriate choice for your family.

One-way Traffic — All attendees are directed to enter the park through the west entrance, on 120th Avenue South. Traffic will move through the park from the 120th entrance and exit out onto Pierson Road. Visitors are asked to remain in their vehicles for the duration of the drive-thru experience. Passengers may roll down their windows but must wear a mask if doing so.

This event is made possible thanks in part to our generous community sponsors.

  • Baptist Health South Florida
  • Christopher Aguirre Memorial Foundation
  • Florida Blue Medicare
  • Humana
  • Joe DiMaggio Children’s Health Specialty Center

For more information about this event, visit www.wellingtonfl.gov/CreepyCrawl.
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