League of Women Voters of Palm Beach County Events


League of Women Voters of Palm Beach County

Invites Public to Two Timely and FREE

Zoom Discussions in November


Legal Underpinning of Climate Change Cases – November 11

Palm Beach County Legislative Priorities – November 18


(West Palm Beach, FL – November 4, 2020) The League of Women Voters of Palm Beach County (LWVPBC) today invited concerned adults to two timely and FREE Discussions via Zoom this month:

Wednesday, November 11 at 6 pm

“Wednesday Conversations with the League”

Legal Underpinnings of Climate Change Cases

+ Guest Speaker: Erin Deady, Esq., a licensed attorney, certified planner, and president of Erin L. Deady, P.A., a planning and legal specialty firm concentrating in resiliency, sustainability, climate, environmental real estate, land use, and water resource issues.

+ Topic: Learn about many of the legal issues related to climate change and some of the cases making their way through the courts currently, including Reynolds v. Florida.

+ Bio: Ms. Deady is a member of the legal team representing the plaintiffs in Reynolds v. Florida, a suit filed in 2018 about essential public trust resources and the obligation to protect current and future generations from the intensifying impacts of climate change. She will address a wide scope of climate legal issues including endangered species, local government infrastructure obligations, and a host of other new regulations and laws.

+ How to Connect: 


Wednesday, November 18 at Noon

“Hot Topic Discussion”

Palm Beach County Legislative Priorities

Guest Speaker: Rebecca De La Rosa, Palm Beach County Director of Legislative Affairs

+ Bio: Ms. De La Rosa has 16 years of experience in the legislative and executive branches of government where she developed knowledge in education, finance and tax, affordable housing, local governments, transportation, procurement, retirement, insurance and healthcare.

+ How to Connect: For security purposes, advance registration is required at: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_SegdgMs3QBihTB2CUm3kMg

Following registration, an email will be sent with meeting details.


About the League of Women Voters of Palm Beach County:

The League of Women Voters of Palm Beach County is a nonpartisan political organization of women and men of all ages and backgrounds, encouraging informed and active participation in government through education and advocacy. The League of Women Voters of the United States believes that voting is a fundamental citizen right that must be guaranteed. For more information, please visit www.lwvpbc.org or www.facebook.com/lwvpbc.