September, 2010 – Kiwanis at the Palm Beach Kennel Club


Grand Fun Night out at the Races!

Horse & Jai Alai Simulcast and Live Dog Races

Palm Beach Kennel Club

Fabulous Sit-Down Dinner with Choices [beef, fish or chicken]

& Exciting Prizes


Friday, September 24 at 6:30 pm.

RSVP TO:  Barbara Brizel, 655-5977 or [email protected]              

& Send check today:  Kiwanis of Palm Beach, P.O. Box 694, Palm Beach, FL  33480


Kiwanis Counts!    

    Kiwanis is a Global Organization of Volunteers

Dedicated to Changing the World

One Child and One Community at a Time.  Thank You, Kiwanis!


Palm Beach Members join hands and open hearts.  You are invited to join the fun and camaraderie at the races.  You’ve already earned a “triple win” just by participating because you win, children win and we all win together in something most vital to our community. 

Each kindness to children affects their future and ours.  Please call today and leave a legacy for tomorrow. 


Yours in Kiwanis,

Pamela Stark Thomas


Your message is valuable and important to us.  Thank you!

Pamela Stark Thomas

[email protected]

Phone:  (561) 351-5012  ~  P.O. Box 2464, Palm Beach, FL  33480