Happy March!


Mayor’s Column March 2022

March is always a busy time in the Village but this year is even busier! Tuesday March 8th is election day and Seats 2 & 3 are on the ballot. I urge you to research the candidates and VOTE! This is your chance to fashion the future of Wellington. Information about your polling place is available at the website pbcelections.org

This is the height of the Equestrian Season here in the Village also. The Winter Equestrian Festival runs through the entire month. It is great to be able to attend those events again now that the COVID cases have dropped in the community. I encourage you to check out pbiec.com for a schedule of events. Did you know that the events go on nearly everyday except Monday? I have visited during the week out there and it’s really interesting. If you have time or even just want to grab lunch at the tiki hut, I encourage you to stop by the Equestrian Center. There is no place like Wellington for horsey views including Sunday Polo!

With great weather in March, I encourage you to check our calendar of events at the Amphitheater. The Lakeside Market is Friday evenings from 5-9 the first three Fridays in March.

The Amphitheater will see some changes soon including an expansion, so check the website for details. More parking nearer to the Community Center is planned in this process too, so you will see construction work soon. The Aquatics Center is open throughout the construction but please pardon our dust as we expand the Town Center site.

In other great news, the Village Manager has lifted the Facial Covering Mandate for visitors at the Village facilities. I’m proud of our residents that have been very patient through this crisis and hope that we stay in the clear! COVID testing information and Vaccine locations are on our website to help with this difficult time.

Always feel free to email me at the Village with any questions or concerns. agerwig@wellingtonfl.gov

Your Wellington Mayor,

Anne Gerwig