Junior League of the Palm Beaches Announces 2023-2024 Board Members


(WEST PALM BEACH, FL) The Junior League of the Palm Beaches (JLPB), a local women’s volunteer organization serving Palm Beach County, will begin its official 82nd season this September with a new set of accomplished women leading the board of the organization.  Annually, the Junior League of the Palm Beaches holds over 100 volunteer shifts internally and at partner organizations in Palm Beach County each year, contributing  upwards of 500 hours of local volunteer service.  The Junior League of the Palm Beaches is currently accepting applications for new members for the 2024 season.

Junior League of the Palm Beaches 2023-2024 Board (Photo above by Jamie Phillips of Capehart Photography)

President- Chelsea Bellew
Chelsea joined the Junior League of the Palm Beaches in 2016 and has previously held many leadership positions within the league.  Chelsea hails from Ohio and graduated from Denison University with B.A. in Economics and International Studies. She went on to graduate with honors from law school at Ohio Northern University with a Juris Doctor and a Master of Laws in Democratic Governance and the Rule of Law. Professionally, she is an attorney at Goldberg Segalla, specializing in employment law, workers’ compensation defense, and appellate law on behalf of employers and insurance companies.  Chelsea is a true leader and has held many leadership positions with various organizations including current positions on the ChildNet Board of Directors and as District Director for Kappa Kappa Gamma.

President-Elect- Maria Pumarejo

Since moving to Palm Beach County in 2005, JLPB has been home for Maria Pumarejo. After graduating from Northwood University with a Bachelor’s in Business Management and an Associate’s Degree in Sports Management, she has enjoyed all that this community has to offer.  In her current professional role as Vice President of Engagement at Quantum House, her primary responsibilities include community visibility for the organization and overseeing the growth, development, and fundraising efforts of the house. Maria has the unique opportunity of working with families dealing with traumatic times while their children receive treatment for a serious medical condition. She has previously worked with Quantum House as a longtime volunteer and a member of the Advisory Council.

Secretary- Veronica Barducci

Veronica is a commercial real estate and corporate attorney who currently serves as Corporate Counsel for TBC Corporation. Veronica is an avid volunteer and has assisted various organizations with their different missions, with a focus on child advocacy and foster care. She was the recipient of the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce ‘Difference Maker’ award for her work with the foster care system.

Treasurer- Samantha Kelly

Samantha joined JLPB as a new member in 2017. She transferred to the Junior League of Indian River County in 2018 and served as their VP of Fund Development before transferring back to JLPB in 2021. Samantha also spends time volunteering with the Panhellenic Alumni of Palm Beach County and the Maltz Jupiter Theatre. Professionally, Samantha is a tax attorney and currently works as an Estate Administrator with The Northern Trust Company. She received a Bachelor of Science in Marketing from Florida State University College of Business, a Juris Doctor from Florida State University College of Law and a Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Estate Planning from University of Miami School of Law. 

For Prospective Members:
The Junior League of The Palm Beaches accepts new members yearly with applications for membership for the 2024 Spring class due on November 30th, 2023.  Women interested in learning more about the Junior League of the Palm Beaches and its service to the local community are encouraged to visit the membership page of the website or contact the Junior League of the Palm Beaches Recruitment Chair directly at [email protected] 

Membership Information: https://www.jlpb.org/membership/become-a-member/

The Junior League of the Palm Beaches is an organization of women whose mission is to advance women’s leadership for meaningful community impact through volunteer action, collaboration, and training. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.

The Junior League welcomes all women who value our Mission statement. We are committed to inclusive environments of diverse individuals, organizations and communities.   www.jlpb.org

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JuniorLeaguePB 

Instagram: @juniorleaguepb  https://www.instagram.com/juniorleaguepb/