A Musical Tribute to America


Musical Salute to America Salutes A “True American War Hero”


Boca Raton, Florida, Feb. 12, 2019– Florida Intergenerational Orchestra the first-ever Intergenerational Destination Orchestra and its creator Lorraine Marks-Field is  a leading ensemble in the field of  intergenerational orchestras, received a grant  in February  2019 endowed by the MGN Family Foundation for the purpose of presenting a FREE concert to the community on Sunday, March 24 at 3 p.m.  Pre concert Meet and Greet the Performers 2:30 p.m. at Our Lady of Lourdes Church O”SHEA Hall . The Hall is located at 22094 Lyons Road in Boca Raton.  

The FREE Concert “A Musical Tribute to America” will bring the community together with Veteran Organizations and the general public to honor our Service Members past and present through music. The orchestra concert conducted by Founder Lorraine Marks Field will remind us all to appreciate the service of others to our country.

Joe Reveman, 92 years young will be an honored Guest and will speak as well as conduct the FLIOA in “The Stars and Stripes Forever” Joe entered WWII at the age of 18 served as a radio operator and gunner on the famous B17 Flying Fortress. During his tour of duty he survived two plane crashes. He flew 24 missions over Germany and earned the prestigious Purple Heart.

“He is a true American Hero” according to founder Lorraine Marks Field. It is important for the youth as well as adults to appreciate the sacrifices made to our country by Veterans such as Joe Reveman. 

 The non-profit 501c3 orchestra has a repertoire similar to the “Boston Pops” in that it plays popular, and light classical music and is specifically created for an audience of all ages.  “With audience participation of course. We love when the children and adults march around the auditorium and the audiences tap their toes and clap along with our music “ according to the founder Lorraine Marks-Field.

Featured in this performance will be a celebration of the country’s armed forces with selections of John Phillip Sousa. Veterans who attend the concert are encouraged to wear their armed forces caps. The orchestra will perform “God Bless America, and other works of American Composers.  Vocalist, Vince Zabik, will join the orchestra in its salute to America by singing a symphonic version of “God Bless the USA.” He will also perform “Satchmo,” honoring the work of Louis Armstrong, which was extremely popular at the orchestra’s opening concert last season. The “Star Spangled Banner “will sung by vocalist Margo Joy .  The orchestra will also be joined by the Handbell Choir of St. Jude Church of Boca Raton.

The Florida Intergenerational Orchestra is celebrated for its mixture of ages and musical ability. It features an orchestra with players ages 8 to 100. The orchestra has been honored by the Department of Elder Affairs of the State of Florida, receiving its coveted “Legacy Award” in 2011. Conductor Lorraine Marks-Field has received numerous rewards and honors, from the United Nations and citations from the US Senate and House of Representatives. Most recently the FLIOA appeared n an article in the American Symphony Orchestra Leagues’ Winter 2019   Issue of “Symphony” Magazine. The article is titled “Bridging Generations”.  

The concert is FREE and open to the public .For Group Seating information call Bob Field, orchestra manager, 561-482-8206.