April, 2009 – Happy Spring!


TEEN TALKHeidi Thorpe

by Heidi Thorpe


Happy Spring!



Spring is the time for blooming flowers, sundresses, pastels, and cleaning. Not just house cleaning. The warm breeze and the glimpse of summer on the horizon grant the feeling of a clean slate.

The fresh sensation of long sunny days gives me the motivation I need to finish projects and set new long-term goals. It’s the season not only to blossom as an individual, but also to lend a hand to those less fortunate. And Spring Break provides enough time to make personal improvements as well as improvements in the environment.

Organizations such as the Red Cross and Earth Day Network offer ways to serve our community in honor of the spring season. The selflessness alone builds character and good karma. But the smiles put on others’ faces is what counts. A good friend of mine, along with many other teenagers like her, is devoting her Spring Break to volunteering at the local nursing home. Because the citizens in the nursing home don’t always have the opportunity to relish in the beauty of this season, my friend is going to bring the gift of spring to them.

Another way to help out the community is by going green. By taking advantage of a spring afternoon, we could plant trees or flowers. But not all of us have a green thumb; picking up trash along the beach or sidewalks would greatly benefit not only the environment, but our conscience as well.

After a long cold, lack-luster winter, spring brings about the rebirth of vibrancy and splendor. This kind of atmosphere sets the stage for appreciation. It’s something that should be shared at all times of the year, but since spring is about fresh beginnings and growth, gratitude should be given to those deserved.

Spring appreciates mothers and fathers, pranks and multi-colored hidden eggs, the earth, fiestas, and the American flag. It’s the start to a new year in Persia and China. It’s the creation of life for certain flora. It’s is a hiccup of beauty. Spring is a deep breath.