April, 2010 – Celebrating Earth Day


Wellington  Garden Club News Item

Contact:  Loretta Granito,


       Wellington Garden Club Joins Township in Earth Day Celebration


On Sunday, April 18, from 1-3 PM , a celebration of Earth day will be held  at Peaceful Waters Sanctuary located at  11760 Pierson Road, Wellington.

In addition to all the planned township activities, Wellington Garden Club will have two tents housing  its special events.  Young attendees will pot tree seedlings of live oak, cypress and crepe myrtle that were obtained by the garden club from the National Arbor Foundation.  Milkweed plants and flower seeds will also be available to take home and nourish. 

Keynote speaker, Jason McCobb,  will discuss sustainable gardening and do a presentation on vermiculture (worm habitats).  This year’s junior winners of garden club essay and poetry contests will be featured.  And participants will learn how to make a rain barrel and properly recycle all types of trash.

At the close of the celebration,  a sabal  palm tree will be planted by the garden club in honor of former member,   Bruce Cook.