April, 2010 – Question and Answer


Lighten Up With Lisa

Question and Answer

By Lisa Dawn WaxLisa Dawn Wax


Hi Readers. This month I’m experimenting with a slightly new format that I hope will inspire more of you to write in and share your stories and questions. All submissions will be kept confidential and anonymous at your discretion. If you would like to submit something for publication, you can email me directly at [email protected].  Not all stories will be published, but I will try to respond to as many as I can.

Dear Lightworker Lisa,

        I have enjoyed all of your inspirational and uplifting columns. However, I have a question I still need advice on and would love your help. I’m sure I’m not the only one who may be going through the ups and downs of everyday life, so I thought I’d ask you this,” How can I find balance?”  I feel like I am on a roller coaster ride everyday! I am a mother of two very young children, one who has a severe disability and needs 24 hour care. Like so many others I am unemployed, have lost my home, and now am going to be a single mother shortly. I want so much to find that balance between children, and finding a way to start my new life with basically nothing in the financial sense. I want so much to believe that with faith I can get through this, but as usual fear gets in the way. I have asked my angels for their help, but in the mean time I would love some of your words of wisdom.

                                  Thank you so much – Signed “Starting Over”

Dear “Starting Over”,

You are definitely dealing with some challenging situations and I don’t want to make light of them in any way. You have valid concerns and I’m happy to have the opportunity to address your questions of balance, faith and fear; all of which most of us face on a daily basis.


Balance – Picture a seesaw and think about how it functions.  At the very center of the seesaw is a support upon which the seesaw pivots. When the support is properly positioned in the center it allows the seesaw to be level, which is necessary for it to be balanced. Ergo, to be balanced is also to be level and if being balanced is also being level, then we can use the analogy that being level-headed (clear and focused) might help one to feel being in balance. Essentially, before you find balance you must find your center.  Your center is that place within you that grounds you and supports you. Whereas, one person’s center might be their head, another person’s might be their gut and yet another’s might be their heart.  Ironically, it is at the center of the heart where one finds faith.


Faith – Bottom line is at every crossroad where there is a choice to make. The key is to make the best-informed decisions we can when we are faced with that choice. Some choices are easy and some are excruciatingly difficult.  Unfortunately, life does not always come equipped with a net. That is why we must do our homework and gather our information so that when we make our choices, especially the difficult ones, we are fully armed with the knowledge to do so. Then, we need to trust our gut or listen to our heart center and just jump. Faith is having the courage to jump in spite of fear.  Of course, there still are times when we make informed decisions and things don’t work out the way we had hoped or planned. There is no guarantee that having faith will result in your desired outcome. You may end up with something completely different, but ironically the end result may turn out to be better than you originally anticipated. Faith doesn’t necessarily make things right, but it can give you new perspective, give you the strength to forge ahead when things appear to go wayward, and it can also help you to transcend the short-term pain and refocus on the long-term possibilities.


Fear – As you said life is like a roller coaster ride and we never know what’s around the next corner or to quote Forest Gump, “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” Even when we think we can count on the stability of something, it can turn out to be unpredictably unstable because life is kinetic and, according to the Greek philosopher Heraclitus, “the only constant is change.”  Bear in mind that without change there is no growth and growth is a very good thing. Without growth, without movement, without change what is living?  Consider life as an adventure, a journey, not as a final destination. It is important to not be static. Little to nothing can happen in a state of stasis. Even when the caterpillar is in the cocoon and seems to be doing nothing, he is hidden inside growing, evolving, and living. Don’t be afraid to evolve into the person you are meant to be.  Don’t be afraid to live. Think of fear as False Evidence Appearing Real. Then, let go of your fear and enjoy the ride; you may like where it leads you.  Additionally, try a chocolate and if you don’t like the first one, try another. You might actually find a new favorite.


In conclusion be proactive on your journey, take responsibility for the things you have control of and be patient with the things you don’t.  Find your center, find your faith and see past your fears.  You can do it.  I know you can. 

I’m here if you need me.


Lightworker Lisa


Until next time, may your days be brighter and your lives be lighter.


Lisa Dawn Wax, aka Lightworker Lisa, has been certified in Massage Therapy and Reiki Healing for over 15 years. In addition to being a born Lightworker she is a certified Angel Healing Practitioner and Reiki Master; both of which basically confirm her intuitive abilities to help, heal and teach. Using reiki (energy healing), divine messages and intuitive readings, she has helped many people to identify the source of their pain, clarify current life situations, and successfully redirect their focus into positive channels.  If you are in need of affordable healing and/or life coaching with immediate results, please call her at 561-594-3948 or visit her new website www.lightworkerlisa.com.