April, 2010 – So Long, Insecurity


Please mark your calendar for the Beth Moore Simulcast on April 24th So Long, Insecurity”.Insecurity is a very serious issue with most women and teen girls in

today’s high-pressure society. Community of Hope Church of the Western

Communities is presenting a live simulcast for Beth Moore’s new book, “So Long, Insecurity”, which addresses this topic. We want to extend a special invitation to all women and high school girls in our area.

Beth’s new book was just released on February 2nd and has already reached

the best seller list immediately after its release. Don’t miss this

opportunity to hear Beth discuss this topic thoroughly.

Location: Royal Palm Beach High School Auditorium, 10600 Okeechobee Blvd, Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411.

Date: Saturday, April 24th

Time: 9:30 am

4 pm (with a hour and a half break for lunch)Cost: $15 for students, and $25 for adults.

To purchase tickets either email us at [email protected] or call us at 561-753-8883.

We hope you and your friends are able to join us.


Peggy DiPirro

Community of Hope

A Church for the Western Communities

14104 Okeechobee Boulevard

Loxahatchee, Florida 33470

O: 561-753-8883

[email protected]


