April, 2011 – Local Resident Releases DVD for Back Pain Sufferers



Local resident and postural alignment specialist, Cheryl Alker, has released a DVD aimed specifically at back pain sufferers in the hope of helping this huge population to take a proactive approach to their back pain.

Cheryl has worked in the health and fitness industry for over 30 years and for the past 10 years has specialized in the niche area of flexibility, core strength and postural alignment. “I have worked with literally hundreds of back pain sufferers over the years” she says “the majority of pain I deal with are as a result of short tight muscles drawing the bones out of alignment, causing poor joint mobility, poor functionality, pain and discomfort”. 

The statistics are staggering:-

·         31 million Americans experience low-back pain at any one time.

·         One half of all working Americans admit to having back pain symptoms each year.

·         Back pain is one of the most common reasons for missed work.  In fact, back pain is the second most common reason for visits to the doctor’s office, outnumbered only by upper-respiratory conditions.

·         Most cases of back pain are mechanical or non-organic, meaning they are not caused by conditions such as inflammatory arthritis, infection, fracture or cancer.

·         Americans spend a staggering $50 billion each year on back pain – and that is just for the more easily identified costs.

·         One third of all Americans over age 18 had a back problem in the past five years severe enough for them to seek professional help.

·         Experts estimate that as many as 80% of all of us will experience a back problem at some time in our lives.

“My Stretch Results program has a proven record in the prevention and management of back, neck and shoulder pain” explains Alker “the program focuses on lengthening and elongating the muscles that are causing poor joint mobility resulting in a body able to move as it was intended; a body free from pain.”

Cheryl’s Stretch Results clients have some amazing testimonials; however, one client was more impressed by the fact that he was able to out drive his friends by 30 yards on the golf course than playing a round of golf without his back brace for the first time in ten years!

“I am delighted to be able to help people. Back pain is not only constant but can affect your whole demeanor” says Alker “normally cheerful people can become miserable and depressed when they are in  debilitating pain, and who can blame them?” she says. “The most wonderful thing about my program is that the results are almost instantaneous, people actually feel a difference after their first session!”

If you would like more information about the Stretch Results program and the Back Pain DVD please call Cheryl Alker on 561 889 3738 or go to www.stretchresults.com.
