April, 2011 – The Easter Bunny and Tax Time


April, 2011img_9570        


Dear Readers,


Happy April!  April stirs up a strange combination of occasions – April Fool’s Day, Tax Time, Earth Day and Easter. And for me, it’s stirring up something else – insomnia!  I’m grateful to our “Ask the Docs” experts for writing a very helpful article this month on the subject – thank you, Heather Loguidice!


In our AW Spotlight article, we take a look at a great fundraiser that’s happening at Village Park on April 30th – the Great Strides in Curing Cystic Fibrosis walk.  I interviewed Linda Windsor of PrePaid Legal, who has a special place in her heart for this cause. There’s still time to join her team if you’d like to – the PrePaid Legal South Florida team. The battle against Cystic Fibrosis has come a long way and many people involved in the cause believe we are getting very close to the cure!


This month poet Mary Oliver comes to town on April 9th and will do a reading of her works at Lynn University in Boca. Our “Cultural Cornerwriter Marla E. Schwartz interviewed Oliver to see what’s going on in her world of poetry and publishing.  


What can you do to ease the tension when you bring a new baby home and your dogs are anxious about it?  Our “Creature Feature” writer Stephanie Karpf gives us some very helpful tips this month!


Hey Parents!  Don’t forget to check out our “Kids’ Corner” where local mom Shawn Thompson updates the “Kids Eat Free” information around our Wellington/RPB area.  It’s very helpful in this economy to keep track of which nights are freebies! 


Thanks also to Shawn Thompson for taking a photo of our newbanner-wellingtonelementary2 banner, which moms and dads get to see every day while waiting in the car line to pick up their children at Wellington Elementary.  (Insert photo here)  Do you have a good place in mind for an AroundWellington.com banner or flyer?  Let me know – ([email protected]) and I’ll get to work!


In “Lighten Up with Lisa,” Lisa Dawn Wax asks the soul-searching questions, “Have you ever wanted something so badly you thought you would die if you didn’t get it? Have you ever wished for something for so long that your heart ached with anticipation?” She gives us a glimpse into the importance of self-worth and self-esteem with her concept (and poem) “YouTopia.”  It’s a beautiful message, so don’t miss this article.  And don’t forget that you can listen to Lisa on her weekly radio show “The Youtopia Hour” on W4CY.com Mondays at 2PM ET.


Are you a parent desperately in search of a venue for your child’s next birthday party?  In “Mommy Moments,” we highlight four great birthday party options – Picasso’s Paint-Your-Own Pottery, Playmobil FunPark, My Gym and Standing Ovations Performing Arts. 


Looking for things to do around our Wellington/Royal Palm Beach area and beyond?  Check out our Calendar of Events page, which intern Stephanie Courtois has been updating (thank you, Stephanie)!  Also, take a look at our “Press Releases” and even “Archives”/ then “Press Releases.”  Great ways of finding out about local events!


Did you play a great prank on April Fool’s Day?  If so, let our “Teen Talk” writer Stephanie know about it.  She writes about a few classic April Fool’s jokes in recent history in this month’s article. 


Travel writer Terri Farris takes us to Belfast, Ireland this month with a first-hand look at the beauty and how change has taken place over the years. Check out “Travel with Terri” and “Belfast, Ireland – From Troubled to Tremendous.”


Welcome to our new advertiser Palms West Primary Care Associates with Dr. Mohammad Yaqub! The Consumer Research Council of America awarded them with America’s Top Physician 2010 and they’re located on the Palms West Hospital campus (561) 793-2303.


Here are just a few happenings in our community that you might be interested in:

  • Flavors of Wellington on April 8th
  • The 28th Annual Installation Gala for the Palms West Chamber of Commerce on April 29th
  • Great Strides Walk (for Cystic Fibrosis) on April 30th
  • Relay for Life (at Village Park) on May 14-15


Don’t forget to enter our easy Contest, which runs from April 1st – 10th! The winner will receive a one-hour massage at Massage Envy in Royal Palm Beach.  We will post the winner on our website on April 11th. 


My sincere thanks to our AroundWellington® writers and photographers for making it another great month! This letter gives you just a taste of the articles, but not all of them. So see below or go directly to www.AroundWellington.com to explore.



Around Wellington in Pictures

As I Was Saying

Ask Dr. Z

Ask the Docs

AW Coupons

AW Spotlight

AW Stories of the Month

By the Numbers


Cantankerously Yours


Creature Feature

Cultural Corner

Health & Fitness

Kids’ Corner

Lighten Up with Lisa

Living Green

Mommy Moments

Photo Galleries

Poem of the Month

Press Releases

Teen Talk

Travel with Terri


Thanks to you, our readers, for your participation!  And thanks to our advertisers for your support.   




Krista Martinelli

