April, 2012 – Wellington Residents Invited to Public Hearing to Discuss Housing Concerns


Wellington Residents Invited to Public Hearing to Discuss Housing Concerns


Beginning in 2013, Wellington will be eligible to receive approximately $229,000 per year in federal grant money to address housing, community development and homeless needs. But first, the Village wants your input to make sure the money is devoted to the right programs.


Wellington residents are invited to speak out at a public hearing on Wednesday, May 16th at 6:00 pm at Village Hall located at 12300 Forest Hill Boulevard. The hearing will allow residents to comment on the drafts of Wellington’s 5-Year Consolidated Plan, Annual Action Plan, and Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice. These documents are required for Wellington to receive funds through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Community Development Block Grant program and explain how the money would be utilized over the course of the next five years. They also identify any barriers to fair housing that could be corrected with grant funding.


Copies of the draft documents will be available for review from Monday, May 7th through Wednesday, June 6th at Village Hall (12300 Forest Hill Boulevard), the Wellington Community Center (12150 Forest Hill Boulevard), the Palm Beach County Library’s Wellington Branch (1951 Royal Fern Drive), and Wellington’s Safe Neighborhoods Office (1100 Wellington Trace).


Residents can also provide additional input by participating in two surveys posted in both English and Spanish on Wellington’s website. To access the surveys, visit www.wellingtonfl.gov and click on the Housing Needs Assessment Survey icon on the home page. The surveys will be available through the end of April.


For information about other Wellington programs, events, activities, and updates, please visit www.wellingtonfl.gov or watch Channel 18 for the latest happenings.