April, 2014 – Celebrate Earth Day in Wellington


Celebrate Earth Day with a Free Concert and Giveaways at the Wellington Amphitheater 

Jump on your bike, get in your low emission fuel efficient car or put your walking shoes on and join Wellington in celebrating Earth Day and Arbor Day on Sunday, April 27th from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm at the Wellington Amphitheater located at 12100 Forest Hill Boulevard. The first 250 guests will receive free reusable bags! In addition, there will be a face painter and coloring murals for the kids as well as local vendors who will be conducting presentations on earth friendly products, and free samples of seedlings and wildflower seeds will be distributed.

This exciting, family-friendly event will feature a concert by the popular band VIVA and demonstrations by Whole Foods Market, Bee Understanding, proper pruning techniques and information about greening your home and a special appearance by the Muck Monster of the Lake Worth Lagoon.

Residents are also invited to visit booths highlighting the Wellington Garden Club, Whole Foods Market, the Solid Waste Authority, the Wellington Tree Board, and the Wellington Preservation Coalition. This event is made possible by our sponsors, Whole Foods Market and Jet Hauling, Inc.

For information about other Wellington programs, events, activities, and updates, please visit www.wellingtonfl.gov or watch Channel 18 for the latest happenings.