April, 2015 – Royal Palm Quarters Auction


Royal Palm Quarters Auction

Wednesday, April 15th – 6pm to 9pm

At the Village of RPB Cultural Center

151 Civic Center Way, Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411

Join us all to help support and raise funds to help families pay for services for their children dealing with Autism. Blooming With Autism is an awesome organization from a very courageous woman wanting to make a difference. Tara(our 31 bags vendor) helped us get her to come to our event. So please tell all your friends and neighbors, co-workers, everyone you know to come out and have a great time. Must be 18 or older please!!!

Just bring a little cash for bidding paddle, table raffles, food, and of course Quarters!!! We will have 20 exciting vendors for you to choose to bid on and yell when you’ve won!!! : )

Doors open @ 6:00 and Auction begins @ 7:00p.m.
We do have food and drink for purchase as well as some of our vendors have desserts for purchase. Such as Dove Chocolate, Moniques’s Sweets and Treats.

For more info, email Julia at: [email protected]