August, 2010 – Oasis Women’s Center and Jewelry Fundraiser on Sept. 7th


Oasis Compassion’s Women’s Center and Sept. 7th Jewelry Party Fundraiser



Dear Friends, 

    I am so excited to share the news with you that our local food pantry, Oasis Compassion Agency, will be opening a brand new Women’s Center this coming Saturday, August 28th! The celebration runs from 10a.m. – 2p.m. and it would be great for you to stop by and see what will be happening here! Oasis Compassion is an organization truly committed to helping the working poor in our community receive a “hand up”, not a “hand out.” Please check out their website at .

    I am thrilled to also share an exciting way for you to have a lot of fun helping support this new center. Starting Tuesday, September 7th, Oasis will have a bi-weekly “Ladies Night Out” at the center. This is an opportunity for you ladies to come have a relaxing, fun evening making new friends, enjoying some light refreshments, and doing a little shopping! Our first event will be a Premier Designs Jewelry Party on September 7th at 7p.m. Please come and see what the center is all about, grab a copy of the Ladies Night Out schedule of events, bring a friend and be a part of something wonderful! Below are some more specific details on how our first event will help support Oasis Compassion’s Women’s Center.

    Please feel free to call or email me if you have any questions or if you already have plans for this evening and would like to place an order. 50% of the profit on EVERY order will go directly to the Women’s Center! Every party booked as a result of this Ladies’ Night will result in 25% of the profit going back to Oasis as well, so please know that you do not have to shop to help support this great cause! You can choose to call me and pick a date to have some friends over, receive free jewelry AND know that donations will go to Oasis as a result!!!

    Thank you in advance for marking this event on your calendar and sharing it with your friends. I look forward to seeing you on September 7th!


Andrea McKenney

Independent Consultant, Premier Designs High Fashion Jewelry


